
It would be nice if they put as much thought into the rest of the truck then just the tailgate they might actually have a decent truck.  Instead they have a piece of shit with a 6 way tailgate.  So that's 6 different ways something on it could break.  I call this the lazy tailgate for people that don't really do work.

Ugly piece of shit just like all the other Kia's.  I would never spend almost 50 k on a Kia lmfao they must be back to opium to think their cars are worth that much. 

People don’t drink it for any other reasons besides taste and caffeine content. Everyone knows it’s not good and no one cares. How about writing about something worth writing about instead of stating things people already know.  Why don't you do more research on less known information and people might actually read


Even those are junk.  Buy a real car not a piece of shit wannabe race car.  

Neons were junk.  Let's be honest it was a cheap piece of shit almost anyone could afford.  They are not fast, they are not reliable, they are not sweet.  

Wouldnt waste one red cent on anything Chrysler makes.  They have been making cheap cut corner junk since day one.  Probably why they have been bailed out 3 times.  Both these cars are not worth it, throw away cars.  No one must of told these two idiots you never buy a car the first year it's released simply because

Why is this even an article?  Who cares?  Do you people honestly have nothing else to write about?  And i fail to see anywhere in this situation where hot sauce saved anyone's life.  I understand you want to jump on the magic hot sauce bandwagon but there isn't a story here.  All you did was make some old guy feel bad

What an enormous waste of time.  What practical use does this have? None.

Its a piece of shit modeled after a worthless fiero.  Both are junk and neither one are even 1% supercar.  There is a reason it never went into production, bc it's junk.  It looks like a bullshit custom I can't believe gm even wasted it's time with it.  

Why is this pile of shit japanese compact clown mobile being compared to supercars?  You fucks at jalopnik really have nothing better to write about.  It's a corolla it's junk that's all that needs to be said.  3 pedals really doesnt mean anything being as majority of the population doesnt know how to drive a manual.

You fucked up robert, be a man unlike the bitch you are currently being, and take your lumps.  So go sit on time out for a while where you belong and enjoy being pissed on in the showers.  

Car is clean but still not worth anywhere near what some dumbass just paid for it.  Probably the family of the late Paul walker.

That truck is supposed to have a 7.2 cat motor under the hood not bullshit 5.9 Cummins i wouldn't waste a dime on that.  

First of all dealer markups are a crock of shit. New automobiles are consigned to that dealer from the manufacturer. Thus the prices are already set before they even hit the dealer lot. The spike occurs when the manufacturer’s tooling costs are too high or have not been completely paid off yet. This article is

A lot of these price issues are because you are buying a brand new vehicle.  Not all used cars are lemons.  If you really wanted that model so bad give it a year, you will find a used one with low miles that someone else couldn't afford on a used lot.  Depreciation is the killer and the interest rates are what put the

This is because people are just realizing the dart is a piece of shit.  Rides like shit, seats are uncomfortable, very cheaply designed interior.  In essence fca turned a former muscle car into a neon.  The motor runs on 0w20 oil so it burns as much oil as gas out of a new engine.  Each oil change it shows up at half

Celicas are junk.  They were then and definitely now.  Is this some dumbass kid selling this?  Crack wouldn't be strong enough to list at that price.  Meth seems more appropriate for this baphoon of an owner.

They can't chant all they want, they still lost.  So shut the fuck up terrapins you suck at everything.

What a joke.  Or stop wasting time and build an actual 12 cylinder.  No one will buy this design it looks like shit and i doubt it runs correctly.