
They make junk.  France can't even defend themselves in wartime.  Their women don't shave.  Why would we want a french piece of shit automobile?  They tried to sell here back in the day and failed, what's different? Better looking junk?

Who the fuck cares.  That's a pile of junk.  Why waste time and money on that? 

Rapaport speaks truth.  He's been around hip hop longer then most who commented on here have been alive.  He rolled with pac back in the day.  All of you are hating because this loud mouth white guy has more money then all of you.  He's right meek is a weak trash rapper.  His bars are so simple a kindergartner could

That car is worth more then all 4 of your compact vehicles.  Anyone who owns a volt can't comment on this.  Don't insult a classic you half whit.  

Or it's the fatty food these diet soda drinkers consume each day.  I love how the fact that artificial sweeteners have been linked to increased appetite is just overlooked.  More than likely it's the fatty foods causing the problem not just the drink.  Not supporting diet soda at all because it taste gross and leaves

Waste of time and money.  Looks like shit on every vehicle.  

This is what happens when ignorant, nosey ass women don't keep to themselves.  Mind your fuckin business cunt McCain and we will all be just fine.  Other peoples lives should not concern you worry about your own.  

This is America is a horrible track.  Should have never won anything.  Glover is a joke.  Stop calling yourself hip hop because it's far from it.  Real rappers don't dance around like fairies looking like they are on meth.  The fact that the Grammys even acknowledged this garbage says they are a joke as well.  Donald

A Sonic for that price?  They didn't go for much more then that new.  It's a 7 year old Sonic it was junk from day 1.  These cars have nothing but problems.  How can anyone feel safe in a clown car like this.  Chevy needs to listen to what the customers want instead of forcing junk like this on consumers.  

Looks like another redesigned piece of shit.  You can paint shit gold but it's still shit.

This British fuck can put a sock in it anytime now.  The UK was turning out nothing but absolute junk when it came to automobiles at this time.  Why does your site continuously post opinion based articles?  Are fact based articles at a shortage right now?

Why would you take your car to a dealer for something a tire shop can do?  Second, you should have never left it for just an alignment.  

I don't buy any of what this article said, the Camaro is too heavy to beat a stang.  It's written by a non car woman so take that into account.  Most of this site is bullshit anyways.  

What do you drive sir troll?  You respond with a meme lmfao.  Your existence is a joke.

So the editor owns nothing but junk on wheels and it’s ok for him to write about a budget supercar.  Seems like he's far an expert.  If these cars haven’t taken off in the past they won’t now either.  They dont look like vettes you idiots they don't look like supras, they look very much like Datsuns of the late 70s

You are an idiot.  This is irrelevant to this discussion.  R Kelly is a rapist and deserves to be treated as one.  I hope he goes to federal prison, he won't make it a day.  

Since your master car builder. It’s a hot rod truck these wheels actually fit perfectly. Lowered trucks look like shit with tiny wheels.  But your probably one of those tools that puts ugly smaller after market wheels on your vehicle then stock.