This is actually a smart move both fiscally and for accuracy. Independent third party testing has shown that the EPA is not that reliable with their testing when compared to real world driving. Outsourcing might be a better route these days.
This is actually a smart move both fiscally and for accuracy. Independent third party testing has shown that the EPA is not that reliable with their testing when compared to real world driving. Outsourcing might be a better route these days.
I like how you wrack your brain analyzing what the Dysney writers were thinking (or weren’t thinking) Keep it up. The theories are entertaining.
Someone explain to Terrel that we aren’t interested in his partisan articles anymore. I really miss the old Foxtrotalpha. Slant-free military news.
Hillary shill still upset at the loss. So it’s okay to give a Kremlin backed company access to so much uranium? And those other beaurcrasts that co-approved this were either asleep at the wheel or are Clinto Foundation beneficiaries.
Damn, beat me to it
So are they all still legal to drive? It seem for now, they are. But I heard the EPA is assessing and will fundamently change how it tests car emissions in the future. So one day maybe soon these diesels will not be legal to drive on public roads.
I say good. The EPA has been expanding there authority too much lately. Sure we need to keep an eye on the various industries and how they are impacting the environment. But when they start micromanaging how a farmer or rancher handles water on their own property, that’s where we should draw the line. And they didn’t…
The superfund legislation was just another way to extract money from the federal budget, i.e. Taxpayer
There’s a power hungry man in charge of Russia at the moment, and the only way to get through to him is in the Cold War language of nukes. Trump knows this. I don’t think Trump or Putin have the desire to actually use these terrifying weapons. Just like folks who conceal carry don’t leave the house hoping to have to…
Stick to talking about cars.
The opinionated Twitter statements are not based on facts. The self proclaimed minuteman assumes he knows how Trump would react in the world arena. If he had paid attention to Trumps statements for the last year, he would know that Trump is reluctant to get the US into any unnecessary conflicts.
I will not nitpick any of the cars and dates given. I'm just glad someone at Jalopnik gets it. More articles like this please.
So many ruined Subarus
Not necessarily a bargain. If you have cash burning a whole in your pocket, and are in the market for an old Porsche, a 69-72 911 would be a better place to put your money. Or better yet, a 78-83 with the 3.0 and when Porsche started adding zinc added to the body.
Yes. The main difference was that the 912 had a counterbalanced crankshaft. But the block was essentially identical.
While we're all dreaming, I'll be dreaming about the Porsche.
I stopped reading Autoblog to get away from this anti-conservative crap. It’s acceptable to bring up the facts about EV and oil subsidies. This is Jalopnik. Jalopnik is all about cars. Cars still need fossil fuels in some shape or form. I plan on owning at least one traditional internal combustion powered car until…