

This is so good.


The principles of the four stroke internal hambustion engine are rather simple:

Some posts should never be posted. This is one of them.

How much weed did you smoke yesterday

Can I propose an amendment:

See-through race cars = winning in all the right ways.

Ouch, that impact probably knocked his monocle out.

I can’t imagine the cost of integrating a NHTSA compliant (or whatever the governing safety standard entity is) roll cage. Bashing your head into the roll cage without a helmet on the small, frontal overlap crash test I’m sure is something SRT didn’t want to deal with.

Deflector dish maglock controls from First Contact.

theres not a lot of wiggle room on that topic, but if they didnt tie me mattress down sport, i think you vegemite be right.

Holy sheet. I would have lost my Tempur.

Yeah putting a bar over their eyes but not their name tags really helps conceal their identity...

I think it’s time to put our futton down and stop these kind of things

At least it was just a mattress. If anything bigger furniture wise, that accident would have been sofa king bad.

australia, where queens land.