
How can something be unsuccessful before it’s released?

Kind of jumping the gun on the live action series being unsuccessful there.

a producer of the stargate movie is making a new show: i sleep

California Olive Ranch “100% California” is the way to go (link below). COR’s global series is OK, too, but it’s a blend and I prefer the 100% California. You generally can’t find the 100% California in stores; you have to order it straight from them, but the bag in a box dispenser is like boxed wine, and it works

Please, have you seen the shit we watched in the 90s? For every Batman: TAS, you had 10 disgusting Ren and Stimpy wannabe. Cheap cartoons have existed since the massive deregulation wave that gave us Saturday morning cartoons based on toylines (Thanks Reagan!) 

I watched the first three seasons. And overall it was pretty enjoyable. There are stakes not usually seen on a kids show, like people actually die. 

When I was a teenager, I remember my mom’s side of the family shifted from a big Christmas free-for-all to something more toned down. I think it started just with some small conversations between the adults. Sort of “How would you feel about X idea instead of everyone getting gifts for everyone?” Or “You know, since

Ah a fellow Wachowski Speed Racer fan.

On the one hand, I don’t like anime. But on the other hand, Speed Racer is my favorite movie. So I’m gonna give this a shot.


I don’t know how big of a Metallica fan you are, but their reissues of RTL, MOP, and AJFA were all quite exhaustive. They definitely didn’t get the same media attention since the albums weren’t nearly as successful on a commercial level as The Black Album.

If this is your definition of 1984, it’s been around for years. All this does is make it more convenient to put on your wall.

We could debate all day and night. I’ve replied about 8-10 times, it’s all above this post.

The Accord would have known for at least 1000ft that something was behind him, even if it was far and coming up quick.

In fairness Tom didn’t ask why that might affect the price, he just asked why that somehow prevented them from sending him said price via email. Which is still a reasonable question. The affront is forcing people to come in to be pressured into overpaying, instead of just stating what your price is, be that high or

Agree all around. The optional bigger engine tows more than enough for most ppl and the bed could be useful. I mean not for ppl who populate this forum and seem to move plywood and build homes from scratch every weekend but for normal ppl itll be handy to dump some shit into and drive off.

All of this, sure this has 7 seatbelts and may fit children in the way back, but lets not fool ourselves that this would even comfortably fit 6 adult-sized people. Don’t forget our kids are often nearly adult size by the time they are 13 or 14.

I want you to know it came up and I said this:

You know how if you are in Drive and don’t touch the gas, the car still moves forward?  When you are in a manual gear and lift the clutch enough to engage the gear prior to hitting the gas is basically the same thing.

If you let the clutch out fast, sure. But a modern car is gonna be able to move the car at idle without stalling as long as you let the clutch out slowly.