
Ouch, that's pricey! But I'd spend it for the extra warmth and light weight if I backpacked more than I manage these days. I have a newish Thermarest and it's a couple inches thick and similar R-value, but it's bulky and heavy.

Yeah but most countries don't have many dynamite refilling stations. Propane refill stations are a lot more common.

Thanks fletcher. I'll consider it buying a separate router for home wifi. But if Comcast is my ISP, there's not a lot of choice, eh?

Frustratingly enough, the Comcast routers won't allow you to change the administrative account username! FAIL!

Suggestions for those of us with routers that recommend WPAWPA2-PSK encryption? They seem to only want 8-character passwords of the A-F, 0-9 character sets. That seems very short and limited to me.

Agreed! I installed it and tried typing in its keyboard and got total gibberish when I didn't watch every single keystroke. I'll try the tutorial but it was an epic fail on the first try!

I first signed up with them 4 years (2 iPhones) ago and they required a security PIN back then, so it's not new. I guess a good hacker can socially-engineer his way past a minimum wage support person on a good day! Ick!

I thought only the USA had frivolous lawsuits like this? I held Canadians in higher regard, until this!

Wouldn't it would be hard to hack Apple Pay if no one supports it (at least partly because CurrentC members won't accept it).

FWIW, my AT&T iPhone 6 showed no Broadcast UIDs. But it also said "Do Not Track: Enabled" above that. No clue what's generating that. I don't recall telling AT&T or iPhone to opt me out of tracking, but I might have?

And yet... My wife has been having major problems with inflammation for a while (knees, elbows, etc), other likely causes had been ruled out, so our very common-sense doctor recommended she try gluten-free for a month. After the third day, she said she definitely felt better and since then has continued to be

You have to count out your paces; I believe it's 7? That gives the right # of revolutions. I'm an adult Scout leader and have done it numerous times at camp and such. Lots of fun.

Ditto. Nothing found in Settings. I logged out and it wouldn't log me back in.

Does using TouchID in Evernote require a Premium account? I don't see an option to passcode protect Evernote with my free account.

infoglut, First, thanks for the info that Visa/MC credit cards all support Apple Pay. I wasn't sure if that was only if you used one of the mega-banks that's signed on. My credit union definitely isn't part of that group. So it's good to know I can use Apple Pay with my credit card.

I made the mistake of trying this out, now it's removed ALL my photos except those taken in the past week. Yeah, I know it warned me it might do something like this, but I didn't expect them to actually DROP them from my phone. What sense does THAT make?

Plus people take less care with dull knives because they think they're less likely to get cut. If you know the knife you're holding is razor-sharp, you'll treat it with due care.

FYI, the app name is "Flic - Delete & Manage Camera..." I couldn't find it by the name "Flick", which the article uses at the bottom.

Thanks to Zakeunc for spotting the problems in the photo showing the stove smoking. I've gotten some smoke from mine but it's rare, so long as I don't over-fill the burn chamber. After getting a fire going, I can boil 2 cups of water in 4 minutes in the winter. JLM made an excellent point about rarely having to