
I had to comment on your statement about the BioLite campstove:

I think this statement could reasonably be read to say that WiFi only carries 30 feet, though most of us here know that it's only Bluetooth that has such a short range?

I'm thinking your gf is imaginary.

Yes, I suggest you try the Galaxy Note 3 or some other large model to get the best resolution.

So do you think Consumer Reports, Unbox Therapy and the other companies that bought these phones just to destroy them bought them under a lease contract for a year? So in a year they'll turn them back in and say "sorry but it was bent like that when I got it!"

Wow, wish this had gotten voted up sooner, before I started the download! :-(

My update was still downloading, so powered down, which stopped it cold. Then I read from 9to5 Mac that these problems seem to affect only iPhone 6 and 6+ models, which I don't have. But I'm going to wait a few days anyway.

I know they got permission, but this seems incredibly disrespectful to me.

"...the city plans to continuously launch the program ever six months to keep data accurate."

When I got my iPhone 5 almost 2 years ago, I tried going semi-naked, with the just the InvisibleShield clear stick-on coatings for the face and back. But then I dropped it a couple times, mostly from bouncing out of my breast pocket, which dinged the corners, which made me start worrying about what would happen from

OOOPS! Got that wrong! Your text doesn't match their slide - that's 64GB for $300 and 128 GB for $400

None to 20% improvement in the 6, 20-40% in the 6+. I wish they'd up the battery life and not make it slimmer.

I don't mind the size of the 6, but the 6+ seems too big for a phone. Who's got pockets that size?

I'm sure you can still buy the iPhone 5 for a while, if you don't want a bigger, thinner phone. That'll reduce demand enough so I can get my new phone sooner, thanks! :-)

In 1988 I published a DEC VT100 terminal emulator for their Rainbow PC into the public domain. A few months back I tried looking for it, and found links to the documentation and source code.

In 1988 I published a DEC VT100 terminal emulator for their Rainbow PC into the public domain. A few months back I tried looking for it, and found links to the documentation and source code.

Why is this news that synthetics smell worse? The expression "poly-phew" has been around for years and describes this phenomenon, though we never knew why.

Adobe's Lightroom photo editing software has a database of camera lens distortions, so they can be corrected for. This doesn't sound that different. If they can adjust for finger-smudges on the phone's camera lens, NOW we are talking INNOVATION! :-)

Very cool!


Yeah, and the repeated admonishment to hold to phone up to your face will make you look event stupider than the Photosynth app! I stopped using that app when IOS added the panoramic mode on the iPhone 4. It works great and your friends don't need a special app or site to view them.