
Really, they just don't like passengers to be able to keep their dignity! Before 9/11, I used to get compliments from the pre-TSA screeners for having a plastic belt buckle (really!). Now I have to take that same belt off. After the "underwear bomber", I'm surprised they don't make us strip down completely!

To the last question: No

"...hardware camera butter..."??? I try not to get butter on my camera's hardware, thank you!

In the world where you gather and break up wood for your campfire, get it lit, burn enough wood to make coals so you can throw you foil dinner on, then wait for it to cook. I can light a canister stove, cook and eat a more-balanced dinner, have the dishes done and be in bed by the time you're starting to eat.

How does the alarm know if it's just a warning because you burned the steak in the broiler, vs you burned the steak in a skillet (shudder at cooking a steak in a pan) and the spattering grease caught the counter on fire?

Just don't mix up your carabiners and try using this one for climbing that next 5.11 route!

Sounds terrific until a rutting buck sees its reflection in it and charges!

"...anyone can break through a security system..." Really? Because I don't think my 87-year-old mother-in-law could do that. Could you?

I dunno, I find it pretty amazing there are any articles about pallets here! I read 2/3rds of the linked article and fell asleep.

$33 for a colander is too rich for my blood!

This is a perfect example of our world-wide obesity problem! The Skipper weighs too much!

I immediately thought of the movie "It's a Wonderful Life," where the high school saved money by putting a retracting gymnasium floor over their swimming pool!

Rats, I liked your original article title better - "Report: Apple's Home Automation System Will Be Simpler Than Excepted."!

But if he did that, who would read to the bottom?

As I said on their website: How can it prevent heat loss to the ground if there's no closed cell or self-inflating pad type of insulation (and cushioning) underneath the dog? That would be most of your heat loss on a cold ground, plus it would provide cushioning. When I take my golden winter camping, I bring her an

Actually, both idiots braked together, leaving that tiny window for the cement truck to thread through. So that's 2 idiots on the road, plus 1 quick-reacting, mad-skills cement truck driver who needs to change his pants.

As the old joke goes "The Marines taught me not to piss on my hands!"

Wow I don't want to live where ever this was! I bet that weird situation gave you a headache, and NOW you can't take an Advil for it! :-(

I'd just started using it. Good time to delete and move on.