
Isn't her pinky sticking out too?

I loved that he was speaking something other than English, then switched to Anglo-Saxon!

I was wondering where his rope and partner were too. I don't hear anyone yelling "Rock!" but it sounded like he was talking to someone? Looks like they thought it was a gentle enough slope that he didn't need protection?

I tried snapfish prints a few years ago and wasn't impressed.

Congrats, Mike Coscia. I upgraded from the Canon Xsi to the SL1 a month ago. I found a deal I couldn't pass up - the US warranted SL1 with the kit lens (18-55mm f3.5-5.6) for $499. Not as much upgrade as you're talking about, but worth it to me.

I'd agree. Instead of spending serious change on a basic lense for low-light, buy an external flash and learn how to use it.

All these suggestions, plus

Andrew, I've got a whiteboard bigger than that in my office (I'm a programmer) and it occasionally gets filled. As for using these Slicky notes on it, they'd work perfecting on that board if I were using it for Kanban or Scrum task management, so I could move them around as the story cards progressed towards Done.

If you have any technical interest in presenting data visually/graphically, and have the chance, I strongly encourage you to attend one of his all-day presentations. It's really mind-expanding for those of us left-brainers who have to summarize oodles of data for the visually-oriented. Well worth the money

I hate you.

So many wasted hours... But when it came out for the iPhone, I installed it and played for a couple hours more! But the touch interface was too vague.

I laughed when I started reading this, thinking of the irony of President Obama promoting this when the website is barely crawling, trying to get to its feet!

Poker? I barely know her!

We can only hope they haven't colluded with the hardware manufacturers for years about this!

And you know this because you personally checked the wiring? Or someone at Apple told you?

Can't tell what this is?

Given what others have said about Sony's inability to choose a standard and stick with it, building up sufficient lenses and accessories to meet the needs of different types of photographers, this seems like a terrible choice for someone moving up from taking pix on their cell phone.

So if this can be totally private, how to they make any money?

I love my Skeletool CX too, but this looks a lot smaller, doesn't hurt in your back pocket and more likely to get through TSA screening!

> Reflective fire-retardant fabric ensures leaping flames and falling sparks stay off your dog's body and fur.