
I'm thinking that having more of the luminescent material throughout the molded "bulb" means it will give off light longer than just a thin coating on an old bulb. No?

Maybe you dated Alissa? ;-)

Really? Let me borrow yours for a week and see, because I'm tired of cleaning the brushes with their 2 cleaning tools. Why spend $700, then have to spend 5 minutes cleaning it each time Roomba runs, when I could just vacuum for 15 minutes?

If you don't have to clean the pet hair off the brushes of this model (Leslie, you said they replaced them?), then I'm interested. Otherwise, there's not much advantage over the Model 780 I've had for a couple years. That one I have to clean the brushes every time I empty the dust bin because I have 2 golden

Install the free Emergency Contact application, enter your desired text (contact info, allergies, emergency contact, etc), optionally choose a photo of yourself, save. Takes all of 3 minutes.

Just use one of the apps that lets you create an ICE (In Case of Emergency) screens on your phone and put it on the lock screen. So if I lose my phone (or am in an accident), the finder can call my wife.

I've used RoboForm for years and was a big fan. I tried DashLane but it wouldn't import my file from RoboForm well, and it was really flaky. I dumped Dashlane and moved to LastPass, which I prefer over RoboForm for price.

There's 2 minutes I'll never get back! Ugh.

Thanks, I picked up a 32GB


The Pocket Rocket is great, until you run out of fuel, then not so much.

Anyone who thinks these lenses will make your iPhone take pictures at the same quality in all the same conditions as a decent dSLR doesn't know what they're talking about.

I didn't even make it past 1 minute. Yay for me! Oh, but then I wasted 2 more minutes writing this scathing commentary. Boo for me....

Time to find a new friend.

Time to find a new friend.

And another person has just been sucked in by a troll....

I think the 5C will be perfect for my wife, who inherited my 4 when I upgraded to the 5 last year. She doesn't like to spend money but we're staying with AT&T anyway, so why not spend $100 for the 5C for a better phone in a cute case? She wouldn't want to spend for the 5S and doesn't need to the enhanced features,

I took a shot of my wife during deep dusk the other night that you would not call shitty. The iPhone 5 changed it so it looks lighter, but it still came out very well for the low light and being handheld. Yeah it's a snapshot, not great art, but it's better than what you'd get off an SLR 20 years ago under the same

Gizmodo affect occurred, where the live website is down because so many people are trying to reach it at once. [sigh]