
Like replying to your own post to say "start working now" is actually going to entice someone when your original pitch didn't?

What are those? You mean I have to sign up for ANOTHER social network? I can't possibly remember another password or post my cat's amazing videos to one more site.

I don't get the whole flashaholic craze, sorry.

I'm a fan of the Social Fixer addon for Facebook.

Comments in the Apple reviews say this leaves location services on all the time so it really sucks your battery dry fast! The other complaint is you have to sign into Google all the time, so Big Brother can watch you and know where you are.

I bet you can't do it with 2 kids at home like alex above!


My understanding is you have rights to the airspace above your property, but they are not exclusive. So an airplane that buzzes your house, causing excessive noise or property damage would be subject to prosecution. I'd guess that if the paparazzi had a drone over your house to invade your privacy, you'd be in your

Excellent point about boiling water now if you're in a constantly-wet environment. If I lived and camped there much, I'd do the same. Since I'm in the Northeast, where it below freezing more than it's soaked, I have an easier time using a stove like this than a butane/propane stove, since they freeze up below 20

I agree 100% with what robersyouruncle said. Good stove for cooking, gather dry twigs around your site or while you hike, it burns very cleanly and hot. Charging for emergency use when you have time to wait. In a test I ran, it took about 90 minutes to take my iPhone from dead to 19%.

Agreed, very little ash is left behind in the burn chamber and it doesn't blow out burning ashes. I used it twice this weekend in windy weather and no flaming objects were dispersed. It did a good job heating once I stopped jamming big sticks in without priming it with small twigs.

FYI, you don't *have* to condition the battery from your PC before use; it's just quicker. Instead, you can condition it by just running the stove for a 20-30 minutes (not exact on this timing).

I'm a New England yankee too, so I was thinking about the hassle getting the components out of the cooker and then having to clean it too!

Yeah I'm thinking of Tom Kyte, one of the top dogs in the Oracle world. I know he's published a ton, is incredibly knowledgeable about Oracle products and has undoubtedly racked up more than 1 million airline miles with all the conferences and consulting he does.


I was wondering what the detached building was, thanks! I couldn't figure why you'd want to open the roof of a shed! First I looked to see if there were solar panels on top, trying to get the right angle, but now.


Haters gotta hate