
Pressure from the manufacturers perhaps? I could see Apple strong-arming the carriers to do something of this nature. Plus, Verizon is notorious for being very anti-net neutrality and controlling users. I imagine this would fall right in line with them.

Definitely agree on the better sex-ed. Unfortunately the Christian right (read: the South) would disagree.

(9 months later)

I agree that more effort should be made to make high school graduation a necessity, especially in inner-city schools with dismal graduation rates, but "mandatory" seems rough. How would you enforce that? Jail-time? It would only add to the already over-crowded jails in these same areas. I favor more support groups to

I think a bigger problem that seems to be missing from this discussion is the fact that states, which have been suffering through budgetary cuts, have resorted to cutting funding to higher education. While I don't believe that's the main reason why tuition is hiking, I imagine it has something to do with it. The

Actually, I think the giant "fuck you" to TPB is ACTA. If you haven't heard about ACTA, you need to read up on it. []

If I could give you a star, or promote your post, or buy a beer (whatever!), I would TOTALLY do that. Great comment.

I just bought the Asus Transformer (model before this one) and I absolutely love it. I'm not an Apple fan, so this was the best Android tab that I could find, IMO.

"...and could mean the end of data caps..."

Hopefully this isn't the guy that contacts you. Otherwise forget about it: []

You should send them an email. Let them know that you wwebsite as on the Internet and are pissed.

Speechless? That was my reaction as a Sprint user.

Awesome, thanks for the advice. I found a similar extension for Chrome and got Giz to run quicker for me.

Arrow in the knee jokes in 3.... 2..... 1.....

#9: The one time Bruce Wayne flies commercial, he gets busted with a baterang. Upon hearing the news, the Joker had a good laugh.

That's unforutnate.. and here I was forming a revolutionary movement that would use this as our hashtag #OccupyDanica

Meanwhile as a WiMax Sprint user...

Total noob question here: if we're talking about something that is 27,000 light years away, then that means all of this happened thousands of years ago, right? So our universe likely looks considerably different than what we can see through our telescopes, doesn't it? *ExistentialCrisis

Best. Reply. Ever.