You’re a highly polluting death trap.
You’re a highly polluting death trap.
I’m not worried about the number of nukes (100 can kill us all off). START was predicated on the understanding that sane, sensible people will equally reduce their arsenals, and that sane, sensible people would safeguard them. START was important, not because of the reduction, but because of the intent behind it. It…
I am a 46 year old Canadian. I have a wife and two kids. I was 13 when 99 Luftballons was a hit. When I was 15, I was terrified that the Persian Gulf Crisis would spill over and create a nuclear conflict. My parents talk about the Cuban Missile Crisis and have more than once, said that they seriously debated bringing…
You know why they do not get extra credit for doing that? That is their fucking job! That is literally the baseline behavior. Congrats “good cops” you have met basic level of cophood. You have displayed least amount of effort in your profession and achieved minimal competency in your chosen field.
That split window replica. No.
Related to naugas.
Definition of “too fast” is only a political issue, not a technological issue. Autonomous cars are already better at avoiding accident than humans as shown on video few weeks back.
Nitpicking here, but aren’t all RB blocks cast iron? Which is technically an alloy, but not in the way that the description is typically used for engine blocks.
Right after he shoots 18 for a full round of golf
it’s surreal to have a president who is a compulsive liar.
Kim Jong Un could die of heart disease and Trump would take credit for it. What a chode.
I think its going to be more of allies becoming less dependent on the US in general. When there is this kind of volatility in one of our branches of government, it shows instability. Which will affect more than just manufacturing.
It’s almost as if putting a demonstrably bad businessman in charge of the US was a bad idea.
Dude, have a sandwich or 3!
I think you’re wrong and they have nothing to worry about. Social Justice Warriors only care about fat women, not fat men.
You can not separate the two.
I don’t get how emissions standards reduce sales. If all cars are required to meet X criteria, it doesn’t change anything demand wise, correct?
What are some regulations you consider to be “insane?”
Any time you tell Trump that jobs are in jeopardy he will likely fold. This is a smart move by Ford. They are playing him for a fool.