
Yes, the media always lies.

“It’s OK to stay in the left lane as long as I can do the speed limit”

It had no right to make such a vote and any vote that did take place was heavily tampered with. It is not legally recognized by the international community. Russian thugs can come in and fake any vote they want but it doesn’t change will of the people.

Listen, I understand. Russia was once a great power. But between communism and the rampant corruption it’s a third rate power. If was wasn’t for oil what would it have? What does Russia make?

Not what I said. It’s up to the government in control to allow referendums according to the Constitution. Not by force from an external military.

I have nothing against self-determination. The troops arrived before the referendum was undertaken, so the vote is void. And now Crimea doesn’t have power or water. How’s Russian rule working out?

The last time Russia signed a lease for an overseas naval base... they invaded Crimea.

No it’s MOOSEN! If not explain oxen.

Meese. The plural of Moose is Meese.

“He did attempt to slow down, but his car kept sliding”

ding ding ding ding ding. This. Sure V-Dubs can be nice. Enjoy your electrical gremlins.

Its only been 10 years and the banking crisis has already been forgotten? Banks were left to their own on underwriting mortgages and selling CDO and the related debt instruments and basically every major bank in the western world would have gone under without trillions in government aid and guarantees along with

There are questions about that actually. We have had fewer regulations in the past and still had economic cycles- it’s actually pretty easy to argue that regulation drives business innovation and that regulations should change periodically and somewhat randomly.

I’m just sitting here, thoroughly impressed at how tough that wall and doorframe are.

I don’t think there was ever a question that if you deregulated corporations and banks, and removed environmental and worker protections, that business would boom. There was a reason we implemented all of those protections in the first place though.

But, I thought the “girls car” segment was already covered by this:

Ooops. Didn’t meant to.

Trump is such an idiot. His rallying against foreign manufacturers building in Mexico makes no sense considering he makes his suits there. I don’t understand. I guess he expects every car manufactured in the entire world to be made in the USA?


That's so unfortunate. Eating well doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming, it just takes foresight and a little planning. We've touched on the topic several times - I know you're just frustrated, but hopefully some of these may be valuable to you: