
I also don't get the flip side of that - people who are legit offended if someone offers them a seasonal/holiday greeting that's from a religion or culture other than their own. If a Jewish person says "happy hanukkah" to me, I think it's nice that they're sharing their own happy seasonal festivity thing with me.

So Christmas starts in early October?

Silly American, let our mathematically perfect algorithms print out the description of the the dream cars you really want!

wish T-tops and targa tops were more common like back in the 70s and 80s.

A self-made Russian billionaire and pharmaceutical magnate.

Obvious Hennessey Venom GT answer is obvious

Honestly, I find that "lets beat him blue"-attitude very disturbing.

That's how statistical averages work. You personally may not be affected, but the next guy over who you never talk to

Of course painting the skin with thermite didn't help much either.

When will people learn; such a display of carelessness...

Filming in portrait mode.

What were they supposed to do?

Yeah it's not like they were also at the same time praying for her saftey; and it's also totally not a thing for people to sometimes laugh when they're nervous. Just despicable. I'm not being sarcastic right now.

if you're a snitch

Pictured above: An activity this truck will never do.


My guess is that they found it, made some kind of back-channel deal with the Russians to keep it out of the public eye, and now it's mysteriously "gone away."

Turbine powered cars.

Light trucks/Small Trucks.

So? People would have to sell the cars from the company shop, too. And since when has the specter of job loss ever been enough to stop market innovation?