Copyright infringement is not stealing. Stealing needs theft.
Copyright infringement is not stealing. Stealing needs theft.
I've known quite a few musicians over the past 20, 25 years. My uncle has been playing in bands since before I was born. My wife's best friend and her husband are both musicians. You know what I've noticed? The happiest, most content musicians I've ever met are the ones that aren't trying to get multi-million dollar…
Steam killed my piracy of video games. The solution to piracy is usually thus: BE EASIER THAN PIRACY. I've had to pirate games in the past, that I already actually owned, but couldn't play, due to DRM. Thanks, Ubisoft.
I tend to pirate TV shows, even broadcast ones. I also have DirecTV, so I pay for FX, AMC, etc. already; however, I still prefer to download a scene rip of a TV show for a couple reasons:
lol because I'm sure the Siberian Times is completely neutral on its Russian views
You've never heard someone say they were traveling to Europe or "backpacking in Europe"? I've also heard that used when referencing other areas of the world, including when people say they are "going to the Holy Lands" or something similar. In any case, those people could have meant it the way you thought they did, or…
Anyone remember this?
To be fair to those IR majors, people also say they want to study abroad in "Europe". I think that's just the nature of the question. Not being specific when answering a question like that doesn't necessarily mean they don't understand geography or that Africa is not a country in an of itself.
Is this really surprising? I had two people try and convince me that Ebola is being orchestrated to regulate population control.
But then you and your used soccer mom airplane will be laughed at by the others at the airport.
According to you guys, the Tesla Model S.
BRZ Turbo or is that actually going to happen.
I was expecting George Carlin. I am disappointed. :/
It's a really bad idea to mix the VAG and Scat.