
This is a great move and I’m not sure why most people in the comments seem to be against it. Cars are one of the only products around where people haggle over price (in the US anyway). Just keep the price fixed and as demand falls off have company-wide sales or price cuts, just like every other product line in the

“don’t think all vehicles will be fully autonomous in my lifetime.”

Not a good sign when a car company says the reason their car will beat the competition is only because it is on sale first and they sell them in more places. Not exactly confidence in the product.

Just bought the newest car I’ve ever owned. ‘99 Maxima. Still living in the past millenium.

I guess it’s old enough and decent condition, so it’s probably worth that, but it is extremely ugly. I wouldn’t drive that for anything over $1500.

I really don’t like VWs, but this is probably a NP.

Can’t we all just be happy for Mexico getting some more manufacturing?They could certainly use it more than the US. People need to stop thinking about industry as an us-vs-them situation and think more globally. Are Mexicans less important than Americans?

There are 3 charging spots in the building I work in, but they usually all in use. The time I’d really be putting on mileage would be over the weekend. Also, driving to work is for people that live in the ‘burbs.

So you put a new crate motor in it, barely drive it, and then try to sell it? Something tells me it may have a few quirks. CP.

Considering that possibly the main demographic of people that would want an electric vehicle live in apartments, I’m betting that having 95% of apartments with no charging station is seriously hurting EV sales. My apartment building is less than 5 years old, in a large city, and has no EV charging.

Yeah, I tried to see them last year in Vancouver and they were sold out immediately and scalped at crazy prices.

This is why tail gaiters piss me off (as well as the safety factor). Leave an extra few feet. On the highway, I generally try to leave at least 2-3 seconds of gap between my car and the one in front of me.

To be honest, I thought these had been out of production for years now. They are incredibly uncommon where I live.

CP, but since it is in SF, someone will probably pay that.

Model V(an)?

Don’t forget the Space Gear:

I’d say that canoes and kayaks get a pass. Maybe even low powered, cheap aluminum boats or dingys.

This would be worth ~$3500, but since it’s in Hawaii, where I assume cars are more expensive due to being an isolated island, I’m guessing NP.

I’m very surprised that they make any money. I live in a town with a lot of super cars and I hardly ever seen Lotuses (Loti?).