
Racist? I’ve never heard of a Coptic Cross, but it seems it’s a religious symbol and therefor does not belong to a race of people. He never even made a negative remark about it, just that people in Jersey often have tattoos. Also, it looks nothing like any “Coptic Cross” tattoos I can find online. Lighten up Francis.

A manual 7 series of that era should be worth this much, but, 140hp is just too little for this vehicle. Not sure why anyone would have bought this new.

Yeah, but you’d still have a GTI. While GTIs are kinda cool, this is awesome.

A few people have posted that they don’t like the look. I wholeheartedly disagree. It looks amazing. Here are some other angles:

Shouldn’t the workers throw a party for management for allowing them to work all of the overtime at significantly increased pay rates?

Weird, I live in Canada and it is definitely the norm for people to remove their shoes. It’s not universal, but generally people will remove their shoes when entering someone’s house, though often the host will tell them that it isn’t necessary.

Those Charger headlights are awesome.

It looks good, but done anyone actually want one of these? The price on Craigslist is now $7500, but I don’t think it’s worth any more than $4000. Even then it may take a while to sell. CP.

It’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to stay on to clean up that mess.

Poor air quality kills many millions of people every year. Of course this is a drop in the bucket, but even a drop may be more people than the GM fiasco.

It would be necessary to run the numbers, but since air pollution is a major health hazard it’s possible that this will cause more deaths than the ignition crisis. And of course there’s the fact that they intentionally designed their products to do this.

My spouse and I use Rock-Paper-Scissors to stop a large percentage of our bickering. Any time we can’t agree on a decision for a minor issue (where to go for dinner, which movie to see, etc) we just do rock-paper-scissors and the winner gets to decide. This way neither of us has to admit defeat since it’s just chance

Canada is also having an election soon and some of the debates have been making me feel sad for my country. Then I watch clips from debates like this one and I realize how much worse it could be.

See the things is, South Park has its moments, but ever R&M episode is hilarious. To each their own I guess.

Some South Park is pretty funny, but since Rick and Morty came out it is far, far better. Completely different (being non-political), but much more entertaining.

Hopefully the new Juke will take some design cues from this as it’s pretty fucking awesome. However, they better still make a new Z that isn’t a crossover.

I’m a bit of a Nissan fanboy and this is just hideous and completely uninteresting.


Arg, I’m a Nissan fanboy and smack dab in the middle of their ideal target demo. I’ve owned a bunch of Nissans, currently own a Nissan SUV but want to move to a Z. I even ride a high performance road bike that looks similar to the one in the video (in coloring, not a Specialized). If they made a new Z that was

I’d say maybe a NP at half the price and half the mileage. Even then it would be a close thing.