
Let’s just all hope that this is the first step towards a new show on Netflix (or some other online venue).

Every time a new major innovation is happening people bemoan the lost jobs. This happens every time. There is no finite amount of jobs, but there is a finite amount of labor.

This would be a NP where I live simply since it is incredibly rare. All of the old 80s boxy domestics are getting rare here. I see more RHD skylines or Lambos in a day than I see cars like this.

I’m a relatively tall guy and I always bring along an even bigger guy with me when looking at cars that I’ve found on Craigslist. It’s always surprising to see a single small woman selling a car by herself on an isolated property. It makes me wonder what is going through her head when we pull up.

The body looks great, but taking a fiberglass body offroading just seems like a bad idea. Good luck banging out dents in that. And $11k for that engine/tranny combo makes this a CP. I’d say NP at $8k.

The thing is, it’s hard to justify spending that much on a car that is basically just a toy. If it had a bit more power and a slightly bigger back seat then it would be so much better. As it is, I’ll probably only buy it when it’s 10 years old for $10k. Of course they will hold their value better than most cars.

I had a cop tell me that you can also get a DUI for drunk skateboarding since a skateboard is a vehicle. I then asked if shoes were considered a vehicle too, which probably wasn’t smart considering that I had been pulled over for drunk bicycling (since I didn’t want to drive home).

I’m in my early 30s, so I guess that makes me a millennial?? Anyway, I’ve owned a bunch of cars, but would never buy a new car. I could afford a sizable car payment, but why would I do that? I’d rather buy/sell cheaper used cars for far less money and be able to drive a different car whenever I want.

There is an A-Team RV that I pass on the way to work most mornings.

It seems that any car with an onboard computer will eventually not be able to be fixed without replacing with a different part.

Given that the '15 starts at $30k here in Canada and the '15 will likely be $31k, this is just too much. The FR-S is under $27k for comparison.

I visit Jalopnik at least a couple of times a day and have never had a popup ad while visiting this site. Chrome, Windows 7, no ad-blocking extensions.

That price would be about $20k too low if it was in the US. But hey, I'm in Canada. Going to have to look into Euro importers.

Yes, but most of the time the expensive new options aren't worth it. And if you want to protect your family so much, don't let them leave the house. Life is about calculated risks, and many of the expensive safety features are just not worth the cost. If this Subaru system makes you 0.01% less likely to get in an

The fender mirrors look terrible and the photo quality in general could be really improve (please lay off the filters people). I wouldn't say this is a NP, but it's not a CP.

Added safety isn't necessarily a good thing either, when it adds cost and/or weight to a car.

I've always heard that these have shit reliability.

This kinda looks like normal back country off-roading to me. I've done muddier, more difficult stuff in my Infiniti SUV. Not that quickly though, I'll grant them that.

There are a few changes that are good, but overall it looks worse than the outgoing model.

People frequently don't think about this before getting a pet. My GF (now wife) had 3 cats (!) when we started dating. Now they're all 10+ years old and between special foods for them and various medications and vet bills we spend a minimum of $6000/year on our cats. Now I like them and everything, but I would not