If I could get one in a manual, I would be all over that.
If I could get one in a manual, I would be all over that.
Auto only though.
So he basically made armor out of PVC. I know a number of people that have made similar armor, though generally with better coverage. I've worn plastic and steel armor many times. They stand up to full force machete blows rather well.
Neutral: How Long Will You Keep Your Car? Does it feel old already?
I live a couple of blocks from a mall and do the same thing every time it snows. I wish the mall parking lot was a big as that one.
I think that deep background checks are far more common in the US. I work in an industry where I've read articles about people frequently getting drug tested, having to give over their social media passwords, lie detectors, etc. In Canada I've never had any of that, not even a criminal record check.
While it's pretty cool that Porsche supports it's classic cars like this, I just don't understand the need. Use your cellphone. I guess it would work in a resto-mod, but you don't see many 911s done out that way.
Do those really sell for under $8000? If so, I may have to start looking for one.
I was waiting for him to hit the powerlines.
It's also a city in Canada:
It's just a little to pricey. It would be a NP at $6500.
Yeah, it's pretty unusually to see bone stock Skylines. I hear lots about people importing US cars into Canada (prices are often 25%+ lower on used cars in the US), but I'm not sure how easy/difficult it would be to do it the other way.
$20k+ for an R32 GTR? That seems a bit much. I've seen them going for ~$12-15k here in Canada. Now R34s are expensive and still pretty rare here. It would probably be even easier to just import one that's been in Canada for the past 5-10 years than get one all the way from Japan. There are a fair number of them…
It disgusts me that the way to get the government to change laws is simply to throw large sums of money at the problem. This is what is wrong with the country. Forget the left/right divide, it's the fact that people and companies with money basically just buy whatever they want from the government. I happen to…
Meh, it's a victimless crime.
Love the exhaust at 0:16. Still not as good as the Broadley T76 on here the other day:
Apparently, the strength of the Canadian dollar has been harming auto manufacturing in Canada for the last decade, and continued strength isn't going to get new investments. Other than Chrysler's decision to build its next minivan in Windsor, Ontario, investments in Canadian manufacturing have lagged behind the rest…
You don't want the germans to design anything, but that doesn't mean they aren't good at fixing things. Now you may be charged a bit extra though.
Well since nearly any car in good condition is worth that much and this has some rarity around here, I'd give it a NP. Definitely wouldn't buy it myself. There are much better cars to buy even at that low price.
Ah yes, I didn't see that. Makes a lot more sense. Beating a 1000whp GT-R is much more impressive than beating a stock Veyron.