
Ah, I see. Didn't realize that was a common acronym. I'm actually not particularly politically correct, but denying someone a job (even a volunteer one) based on traits unrelated to the work is just wrong. It's one thing if people don't apply for a position (e.g. the higher number of men in IT and the higher number

In the offices that I've worked, women do tend to volunteer for office social committees far more often. However, they are also usually the first to leave at exactly 5pm and will simply sacrifice their actual work to organize social events. They also tend to be in the jobs that have far less responsibility and fewer

The sad part is that the 3rd generation was one of the best looking sedans of the last decade. It's amazing how they managed to go so far downhill so quickly. I still see far more 2nd and 3rd gen ones than the 4th gen (current model).

I'm not sure what an "SJW" is, but this does go strongly against our cultural values. If it was a paid job it would be against the law. I mean if we had a volunteer organization that required its members to kill a puppy before joining we'd all get pretty upset right?

Ugh, this is why I avoid "underground" cycling culture. Like most other sub-sub-sub genres, it is full of people that strive to show they are better than everyone else and they have a general hatred of outsiders.

I don't understand this. "Female" and "Male" are the most neutral way possible to talk about people of those respective genders. They don't infer anything other than gender, as opposed to "Man" and "Woman" that have at least an age inference. These words shouldn't have any (usually negative) connotations that are

Do people actually give these groups money or even wear their branded crap? The closest thing I can think of is people doing charity sporting events (running, cycling, etc). I live in a larger liberal city and am pretty socially conscious and almost never see people wearing charity branded clothing or wearing

Is it bad that I really want this? For $1000, it's worth the novelty value as long as it runs ok for a few months. I'd give it a test drive and as long as it didn't feel/look like it was going to break in half and it had passable tires, I'd buy that. Unfortunately I'm a few thousand miles from there.

Most movers I've seen will pack/unpack for you. Of course for ~$125/hr for two guys (what I paid for my last move) I'm sure they'll do pretty much anything as long as they're on the clock.

This is terrible. In mint condition I don't think this would be worth half the asking price. With the seat an gauges this is a horrible CP. NP at ~$7500. Here in Canada I can get this R33 GTR for half the price:

Saw this one on Craigslist the other day. It's in my hood. I love me some 70s van murals, and while I also love Star Trek, the paint is just not good. Also it's missing the diamond window. Kinda want to check it out just because it's awesome, but would feel bad wasting the guy's time. I'd say NP at ~$4500.

Power steering != electric steering

Or the automated robot thing that gets in his way. I guess this was partly to showcase the automation at the Ford factory.

It's not an issue where I live either (that I know of). I think most vehicle crime here is related to people breaking in looking for valuables.

Most old, beat up vans don't have electronic keys. I'm assuming that they are mostly stealing newer, good condition vans for sale overseas. The market for commercial vans is huge. Here in Canada, the most imported JDM vehicles are vans.

The best way to avoid this is to drive a shitbox that nobody wants to steal. Or an Alfa, since it will break down before they can get away.

The driving was actually pretty good for a stock production hot hatch. I just feel that the camera work / editing just wasn't that great. And yeah, a little hard to live up to the gymkhana race car stuff.

That was probably the most boring Ken Block video that I've seen. The RS is still awesome though.

I'd really like to see 0-60 tests where the engine doesn't go above ~3500RPM, especially with all of the modern turbo'd cars. If you have to beat the shit out of your engine just to get it up to speed in a reasonable time then what is the point. For commuting vehicles, lower RPM usability is far more important than

As someone that just spent the last few months working from home, it really sucks. I'd much prefer to get out of the house and actually see my coworkers.