
I'd say it's a NP at $2000. I'd pay $1000 just as a troll car.

Just watched it again and the camera was dead steady, no shaking at all. It did have to pan down quickly to follow the car, but it was done smoothly. There were a few cuts, but not too many.

It'll need all those ~210 torques to get those wheel turning.

I had a 95' 5-speed a few years ago. Awesome car, excellent power-to-weight (190hp:2870lb) for the era. Bought mine for $1500, drove it for 2 years until the timing chain went (which is not common) which damaged the engine enough to send it to the junk yard.

I'd say this is priced right with no salvage title. It would be a nice price if the owner swapped the wheels and blacked-out kidneys. And it would certainly help if it wasn't in red, BMWs just don't look good in red. As is, definitely CP, should be ~$5000.

Not being able to test drive a manual equipped car is a huge problem in general. I was looking at maybe getting a BRZ a while ago, but they didn't have any manual transmission ones to try out at any of the local dealers. I'm not going to buy a car that I can't at least try out a comparable model. I did drive the

That makes a lot more sense. They can be woken up ~10 minutes before they have to swap in a set of tires, refuel, etc.

If any of these people are going to be racing again later, why not bring a cot? Considering that you want to be as rested as possible when your turn to drive comes around again, a cot would seem like a no brainer compared to trying to sleep in a chair.

It doesn't seem like many people are having kids in their 20s any more. I'm in my early 30s and only have a handful of friends with kids. It seems like ~35 has to be the new norm for starting a family.

It is surprisingly well done, but $25k for a modded Fiero is just too much. Having an awesome poser car like this is fine if you paid <$10k for it, but when you paid REAL money for it then no way. You could buy a new FR-S/Miata for the same price. If it had a few issues fixed (pedals, headlight) and more

I don't understand why people get all excited about this car. My first car was a '95 Nissan Maxima that also had 200hp and weight 250lbs less than the Contour. I paid $1500 for it. 90s Nissans are also far more reliable than 90s Fords.

$6500 for an old Lincoln project car? CP. Especially in Teal. At $4000 I'd say NP.

As a programmer, I think you are woefully overestimating their ability to write bug-free code that will handle every single unforeseeable condition. Driverless cars WILL kill people. The question is, will they kill less people than normal cars. They don't need to be perfect (and never will be), but they do need to

Well, at least where I live, there is a huge demand for software devs. At my current company it can take months to find a reasonably qualified person. The vast majority of people I work with come from out of country since nobody here wants to get into software.

Why are his shorts hiked up so high?

While this car is pretty awesome, some of those scores are reaching a little. The handling sounds like it should have been a 3 or 4 at best. The brakes aren't adequate, but get a 6? A 9 on looks is also pretty generous, there is no way that it is better looking than most high-end European luxury cars or exotics.

Let me put it this way: I can throw a Corvette or a Viper or a Mustang or most Camaro variants into hard into a corner and come out fine. In the Hellcat, the car just falls all over itself. It will make right and left turns at intersections, though.

The Hellcat's Brembos are the largest Chrysler has ever put on a production car, 15.4-inch six-pot slotted affairs up front. They're good but they aren't good enough. Pedal feel isn't linear at all, and the brakes never feel like they have the bite to handle both this car's weight and power. They're decent, just too

If you compare Obama's policies (especially foreign policy) against other elected world leaders (current and in the recent past), he is way to the right of most of them. Obama is to the right of many Republicans from 20-30 years ago. Politics in much of the Western world has strayed quite a bit to the right over the

I explicitly stated that the government shouldn't pick companies, just regulate industries. It's also better to "ham-handed" regulate than to not regulate at all. Activist regulation has done much to protect the environment over the years. Obama has done almost nothing to regulate the industry, he is far too