You don't see kneepads used while wearing t-shirts too often.
I've been pulled over on 4 separate occasions on my bicycle. Two for speeding, one for being extremely drunk, and one other reason. Pretty easy to hit ~50mph on a steep downhill. None in Virginia though.
To be fair, don't people generally just torrent sporting events nowadays? In fact, not being from the US, it seems like most people just torrent TV shows since they aren't available everywhere right away.
This is my driving method as well. I don't speed horrendously on straights, but I will speed up into a corner. Far fewer tickets that way.
Ugh, this book looks nice and actually sounds pretty good, but "reviews" like this are making me lean away from buying it. Any time that a bike is heavily marketed towards me it makes me feel that it can't stand on it's own merits.
That was my first thought as well. Not aware of any street legal cars with this though, but I really hope so. Would be problematic on non-track conditions though since it would suck debris at a hazardous rate.
At $11,000 it might be a NP, but not at £11,000. Under $8,000 and definitely NP.
As others have mentioned, the human heart is actually located in the center of the chest, not off to the side.
There really does need to be more GT-R rallying. I just wish they didn't talk through the whole video so I could hear more of the engine.
It is really nice and would likely be impossible to replicate for the money, but who would actually buy this? It's too nice/slow to actually drive in public. I guess you could take it to the local car shows, but $60k is a lot of coin just for that.
I can understand how it's possible to fall asleep at the wheel and can even forgive it, but not wearing a seat belt is inexcusable.
You're probably right, but I really hope not. It has really ruined the gaming industry (for me) to a large degree.
I think that hp/kg would be a much better metric than hp/litre. Of course then people would argue over which parts should be included (headers, radiator, etc). Also, electric cars would win unless we took the batteries into the equation, which muddies it even further.
I seriously doubt that he gets anywhere near 18MPG. Also not sure why this is posted to the Vancouver craigslist site as it is over 100 miles from there. Maybe try the Nanaimo one.
Ugh, I tried to watch the video, but it was just horrible.
I don't get why this would be illegal (assuming that marijuana was legal). If it's legal to have a rolled joint in the car then it should be legal to roll a joint in the car. Of course a distracted driving charge is completely reasonable.
I was really hoping that the headline was referring to Russia building nuclear powered trains. This is much less fun/useful.
Also, was not able to fit in the rear seat (even sideways, curled into a ball) of the Jaguar XJ-R.