
Did they say Darrell Jenkins is the directory of design??

Why is there are guy talking with no sound?

It's incredibly generic rock. I'd have preferred something more classical and epic. Wagner would have been good. Maybe they'll change it up closer to the reveal.

I disagree, this isn't about paying for access to the images. This is about people using this as an excuse to donate money to charity. Whether these people donate to charity or not won't affect whether they view the images. Refusing the money is pure PR pragmatism, nothing more.

And other than bad PR, causing the charity to lose funds, why is this a bad thing?

While your sentiment may be commendable, your logic is flawed. Money isn't "tainted", it's just money. Unless these people decide to withdraw their money from their accounts and literally remove it from circulation (burning, putting it in their ass, etc), then it IS going to be spend somewhere. It's not like their

So you're saying that making bad people feel bad is more important than curing disease, saving lives, etc?

So stopping bad people from feeling better about themselves is more important than curing diseases and helping people? I'm sorry, but curing cancer is more important than trying to make some bad people feel bad.

To be fair, breast cancer gets many time the amount of money that prostate cancer does. Sometimes it's not about gender, even if Jezebel always tries to say otherwise.

I completely disagree. Doesn't matter where the money comes from. I can understand why they did this (to appease the feminazis), but other than protecting their image this is stupid move. If people want to donate money to a good cause, who cares why they are donating it. What a sad world we live in where a charity

It doesn't really matter at this point anyway. Anyone that wants to see these images can just do a quick google search and find likely hundreds of links to them. Or go to any torrent site and download them.

Youtube's comment system is still better than Kinja.

That they repaid, with interest. It takes money to build a multinational car company from scratch.

The problem is that it isn't happening fast enough to help Ukraine. Small consolation for them if Russia conquers them and then makes peace with the West.

If NATO isn't willing to go to war over this (and I'm not saying they should), they really need to step up the sanctions drastically. Perhaps it's time to start seizing Russian assets belonging to prominent business people with political ties. And I don't mean freezing, I mean outright seizing their capital.

If a parent buys their kid a car, they are spoiling them, regardless of price. Make the kid get a job and save up the money and buy it themselves.

He's no Rob Ford.

He said that they shouldn't get ALL the attention, not ALL THIS attention. So the attention they've gotten is great, but they shouldn't get all of the charitable attention as there are many other equally deserving charities.

Calgary is definitely "too far north" in terms of climate, though I'd argue that Vancouver is far more forward thinking and likely has a better climate than Stockholm.

This is really nice and I love Land Cruisers, but this is insane. You can get a nice Defender with that kind of money. And however nice this is, it's no Defender. I'd say NP for ~$40k.