
And NK's biggest export is counterfeit US currency.

They're making 25 of these? Have they even sold 25 of the regular Esperante?

Being a Canadian that grew up in that era, I've seen many episodes of this show. I seem to remember there being many other generic game shows at the time.

I have so many funny Vancouver transit stories. Especially taking the N9 from downtown to Coquitlam (when I used to live there) after the bars close. As long as you're drunk too, then it is bloody hilarious to ride a bus with 50 other drunks. Then there is always the one person taking the bus home after the late

Hey Alaska, you not so big

I would think that Vegas uses at least as much power during the day (air conditioning) as they do at night.

Yeah, this seems like a BS made up demographic. I'm sure that some of these people exist, but they can't be that common. I think I'm pretty firmly in the demo based on age, income, and living downtown but I don't own (or want to own) designer anything. Most others that I know in this demographic also don't spend a

Yeah, in Vancouver (Canada, not Washington) I work downtown on a busy street and only hear one or two honks during a normal work day. Maybe it's just a "Northwest" thing?

I actually kind of like it too. The only part that really bothers me about it is the headlamps.

Is that the one from Stripes?

I think that the cars need to be far more specific. They should have model/year/trim at a minimum. Probably best to state any options (transmission and engine especially).

The thing is, W123 wagons are pretty rare (where I live anyway), but 240s seems to be mostly wagons, even more than the sedan where I live.

As a beater-quality version, I'd take the Crown Vic. If they were in good condition, I'd take the 190E. The Crown Vic is a tank that won't die, but the 190E is a genuinely good car. Honestly, they're both great cars.

I was in Greece for a little over a month and the only attractive women I saw were tourists. I didn't go to any night clubs while I was there (too much history to see), but I did spend about 10 days in Athens. Sorry if I'm offending anyone, maybe I'm just not into Greek women.

Perhaps it's because I live somewhere that the temperature does really drop below -15 (Celsius) or so, but I can't recall ever thinking that the steering wheel was cold. My car does have heated leather seats, but I never use them. The wife likes them though.

I thought that the Previa would make it to the final four. I am so dissapoint.

It's also far better looking. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Fox body, but the 240 is actually a very pretty car.

I've thought this for a long time (since at least the Johnny Cab from Total Recall).

Meh. I live in an area that has snow on the road for less than 10 days/year and it's only cold for a couple of months and rarely gets icy so I don't bother getting winter tires. When it snows I just drive less frequently and more slowly and I ride my bicycle to work (it's fun!). And I say this as someone that gets