The Stig's graphic designer cousin

What’s super annoying, I tried to make a “Purchases” label and setup some filters to try and bring back some of that functionality, and the system wouldn’t let me create a “Purchases” label, as that was a reserved label. So now, I had to make a work around for the work around (My Purchases). So it kind of works, but

Man, I really, really, really miss Inbox. Moving back to Gmail has been a huge step backwards. And no mobile alternatives are able to fill the spot either.

Better yet, just leave the onions off all together. This simple step makes burgers infinitely better.

You aren’t stuck with a lease. You can sell it, or trade it in at anytime, just like a car you own or a car you are financing, as long as the lease allows for early buy out, but almost all leases these days allow for that. Long gone are the days with lease buy-out penalties.

Manual Focus are easy to find. Just do a search for an ST.

It’s a new one to me

I guess I can see that, but it’s not terribly different from candid camera. And this wasn’t mean spirited, like some modern prank videos are.

Yeah, that’s a rough one. Probably the scene that gets me the most is when the two soldiers are fighting, and one ends up with a knife/bayonette on top of the other, and with his body weight slowly sinks the blade into the bottom guy’s chest as he tries to push the top guy off (and fails).

Not exactly. Raijin is a kami, which can be translated as “god”, but it isn’t the same as western concepts of godliness. Kami are more like ageless nature spirits, in that they control/influence nature and they won’t die from old age, but they can be killed. Upon death, the kami then proceed to Yomi, the underworld or

I’d love to see my neighborhood’s HOA absolved. Not because they are pains in the ass like most you hear about, I just dislike them on principle. Our HOA largely stays out of everyone’s business, but things like exterior home renovations have to be approved and paint colors are restricted to a predefined set based on

Largely, I don’t either, but this roomba I am 100% behind and would buy if I could.

Not to mention the crippling medical cost. The average outpatient gunshot wound cost is around $5k. If the patient gets admitted to the hospistal, the average cost jumps to almost $100k. And that doesn’t count ambulance or life flight costs, nor does it count for any aftercare, such as therapy or rehabilitation.

Our roomba died a few years ago. Rebuilt her, and got her going again, for a little bit, but then she died again, and no amount of part replacing would bring her back. She was loved by the whole family (except the dog). Her name was Rosie.

The only way to not make a crappy Hot Wheels movie, is to not make it.

Yeah, depends on the company and the type of work you are doing. Obviously won’t work on an assembly line for example. But, my company is pretty tolerant of it, as long as it isn’t impacting productivity or work quality. As for generational...maybe not with the boomers that are exiting the workforce, but pretty common

I’m sure there are other people that are the same. But growing up, I would always have either the TV or the radio on while doing homework, and music of some sort, while doing chores, and that just kind of carried over into adulthood.

And as much as we all like The Crown and Stranger Things, we like Friends more.

Businesses will fight paying higher wages because that money comes from their bottom line, where as tips/VAT would come from the customers. The end goal of the server getting paid more is the same, the question is, who pays for it. Common sense says the business that employs the person should, but that’s not the world

There’s no one agreed upon definition of what a generation is. Commonly, it’s thought to be around 15-20 years, but that is an arbitrary designation. In fact, the US census bureau only officially recognizes a single generational designation, the Baby Boomers (1946-1964, 18 years). Outside of that, generation are

I don’t know if that would have been a great time to graduate HS, or a terrible time, with the dotcom bubble bursting. Guess it depends on if you went to college or not. That was a year after I graduated college, and it suuuuuucked. No one wanted me for entry level, and didn’t have enough experience for mid level jobs.