Is the space pope reptilian?

Agreed! Hopefully the staff at Pornhub will do the same for me if I have a stroke from too much you-know-what and go silent.

I love this story! I was saved by my consierge checking on me and calling 911 a few years back. I used to walk by her to use the gym every morning at the same time. On the 3rd day that I didn’t show she came looking for me. I had a bad reaction to new medication and was completely out of it. I had a very serious

And yet eating all that Dominoes over the years turned out to be the thing that saved his life? Life really is crazy sometimes...

Well done, staff of Dominos. Just goes to show ya, there are actually a lot of decent people in the world, even if it might seem otherwise sometimes.

The joke is supposed to be at the expense of action movies where the heroes are on a quest to save the damsel in distress. This movie is making fun of that by putting a cat in the damsel role and turning the hyper-masculine heroes into cat daddies.

someone I’m friends with on facebook responded to a comment like that with “there is a “Dear Black People” film. It’s called Birth of a Nation”



Seth Woken

I want Tyrion to have his own little show! Bronn can costar.

That people are time travelling from sometime early in the 20th or possibly 19th or 18th century and have figured out how to use twitter is truly the big news here.

As an biracial person, 100% of my relationships are interracial.

This ad makes me angry because beautiful people piss me off. Them and their beautiful children. Stop #UglyGeocide #DontLitter #WaitNowImConfused

911 i need an ambulance i have been burned by a hot take

pinkham was da bomb. her family were abolitionists and frederick douglas was her neighbor. there is still a clinic in salem, ma that bears her name and gives free health care and vaccines to poor women and their kids.

What even is that horrid short length?! These are athletes. Give me thigh or give me death!

This would be a great drunk history. I love it and it would be cool to add some great stories that feature Asian Americans that have contributed to changing America. Plus toliets and alcohol always go hand in hand.

I remember one of my great aunt's favorite couplets: "Here I sit all broken hearted, paid a nickel, only farted."

our acronym game has seriously declined over the past four decades

i for real owe my life to the anonymous internet person that i don’t remember who said the immortal words: