Is the space pope reptilian?

I agree with this, but the way it was talked about by many (though not all) of the talking heads and at home commentators was pretty gendered. We as a society are pretty bad at being able to criticize women without making it be about them being women.

F- Yale. I got the "University Semi-annual report of Complaints of Sexual Misconduct" email last night and could not believe (read: could totally believe, but was disappointed) its contents. Blerg.


This commercial is so great, I, for a moment, forgot that I don't get periods and wanted to see how much this service costs.

Now playing

Perfect, but I cannot believe this hasn't been posted all over this comment section

With your own mechanical leech, you can discreetly poop instead of throwing up in your mouth so often!

Haha. Three of us basically said the same thing. This is clearly the standout weight loss method.

Isn't the "nausea, vomiting and diarrhea" what makes weight loss coffee so effective????

Look at banner, PurpleWatch!

Let's forget about capris for both sexes! They are a horrible clothing item that looks good on no one and they have no functional value. There is never a point in life where it's too warm for pants, but too cold for shorts.

It's true. You are covered in original sin the second you pass through woman's sinful, unclean vagina (or her sinful, unclean abdomen).

She's bringing straight up umpire realness.

It is my very dearest wish that this child is gay and fabulous (if he wants to be) because that's the only way I think I can stand the amount of US media coverage he will get.

I'm not sure that font is august enough for this momentous occasion. Might I suggest:

Is it terrible that the one of the left is douchy in all the ways I want a one night stand to be?

Well, luckily, Casey is the case that Roe v. Wade should have been, and is generally the underpinning of most abortion cases nowadays, though it obviously still has issues as well.

One of the IT guys in my office building is dressed exactly like Christian's fedora look today. I wonder if he's celebrating this momentous occasion?

I have no idea what I just watched, but I know I will never be the same again. I hope she used this song to audition for her new role in Annie, though.

That's awesome. Can I ask in what discipline? I'm interested in the angle/methodology you chose to talk about them.

The lack of RuPaul is by far the most damning aspect of these nominations and their attendant snubs.