
I don't know if it was ever actually 'good', I guess the first season was a bit more coherent.

Con: A thousand "ewwwwws" to horny-ass Portia trying to sleep with her great-great-granddaddy.

I love how Tommy went from freaking out about killing his parents to "Imma kill the sheriff!" in about five seconds. Impulse control is just not that kid's strong suit.

Yeah, if you're watching True Blood for the narrative, you've got the wrong show. And the Skinemax part is definitely not true: it's got exactly the right amount of sleaze as it is.

I'm no expert, but wouldn't you want to be frozen a bit before, not "at" (meaning "after") death?

Alright, you know, there are new Futurama episodes currently airing, it's been renewed for a couple of seasons, so it's not going anywhere for a while - all in all, it's likely there will be a fair amount of Futurama news on this site for the foreseeable future.

She's saying that to her girlfriend as a bit of fair warning, I assume.


King Bill and whats-her-face aren't even all that related: if I counted his "greats" correctly, their "coefficient of relationship" (which is a real thing, apparently) is 0.0078125. Same as second cousins once removed.

I guess they still owe her for "Papi" on The L Word.

Holy Mother of Crap! What the fuck, Alan?

I don't seem to have access to MBE at work, but going by one of their earlier papers it's a small intronic region in DMD (which is a massive gene), so it doesn't code for anything.

The Kansas School Board doesn't believe in Michigan.

It means there is no dissolved oxygen (O2) in the water.

That was an excellent trailer. Of course in this case we do know the entire plot, including the ending, since it's a pointless remake of a recently released movie. Makes me wish Fincher spent his time on something else.

Is randomly bringing up that they don't have a TV (the correct phrasing is "I don't own a TV", by the way) still something that people really do? Weird.

Yeah, it's becoming a real gasmgasm.

Wait, is there really some kind of Glee presence at Comic-Con? Not that I have anything against Glee, just seems kinda weird.

You could also set the movie in, say, Finland - or any of a number of Easter European countries - in which case the Soviet Union would be the obvious bad guys.

Maybe not the next incarnation - we still have Angsty Teen Doctor to go through.