
@Charlie: The writing.

Maybe it's just me, but I thought Neutopia fell completely flat. Amazon Women in the Mood used the exact same setup, but was a bit more nuanced, this just went for over-the-top and came off kinda creepy. Most of the humor ends up being of the "women be shopping variety", which gets old pretty quickly, no matter how

You know, I'm pretty OK with this list.

Inside your body, proteins are a kind of communications system, allowing DNA to pass information and energy back and forth.

The romance novel aspect of it is only true of the books (which are garbage, incidentally), not the series. If anything, it's played for laughs on the show.

I think there's a big difference between being kinda slow to start or "finding your legs" (say, the first season of Babylon 5) and just being aggressively terrible.

It's on there twice: Afghanistan and Iraq.

Don't really think they're in the same category: Farscape had maybe 2-3 slow episodes at the beginning, while SGU gave us 10 episodes of utter, relentless, mind-numbing crap. I don't really know how it fared after that, for obvious reasons.

At the risk of sounding like I'm defending the original hypothesis (I'm not): the fathers would see that the babies resemble their close relatives (who in turn resemble each other).

If it were science, they would have stated their hypothesis, have made a decent study where the scientists themselves didn't know who was whose father or mother

I'd really like to see a realistic alien invasion movie: an advanced civilization arrives, all humans are wiped out within minutes, and it's not clear whether that's what the aliens actually intended.

Can you be more specific about which show you're referring to?

In case you're curious, here's how the episode quality breaks down, by half-season:

I thought the Earth bit was great, actually - Adama's "Fuck it, this is Earth." was pretty much the only saving grace in that disaster.

I don't think there's anything more to this than it being an execution-heavy kind of place.

She seems to be the only one in the entire Stark clan who can't think 2 steps ahead.

What did the stag have to do with Ned's execution, though? Seems like it's all Lannisters at this point.

The descriptive month names are pretty common in other Slavic languages, too; 'listopad', for example, is the same in Polish and Ukrainian (interesting thread here: []

Slavic peoples equated red with beauty - the words for 'red' and 'beautiful' have the same roots in Slavic languages, even.

I don't think I've ever seen a crooked Nazi swastika. Or do you mean that they were usually rotated 45 degrees?