
Sure, but crypto-suffix already exists in front of capitalism with a known meaning. I’m fairly certain that only communists would ever use it, but a crypto-capitalist would be anyone who says they don’t believe in capitalism (publicly), but is a secret capitalist. It is like a crypto-Nazi or crypto-communist.

Why would I be dumping coal slag? I work in professional services. Are you just going to keep asking random non-sequiturs?

Nah. It isn’t realistic. I am not a huge fan of the ocean in general. Plus there are enough exclusive places on land where I wouldn’t need to mix with hoi polloi if I didn’t want. Shit, if I just wanted to live among the rich, I’d only need to move to Switzerland.

I’m not broke. I made zero value judgement to their ideas. I only stated that they are admitted capitalists, not crypo-capitalists.

Nazis = not so bad
DACA kids = fucking freeloaders

What makes them crypto-capitalists? It seems pretty obvious that they admit to being capitalists, thus nothing secretive or crypto about it. Using crypto currencies doesn’t make you a crypto-capitalist. Words have meanings.

Dolphins and Buccaneers both excel in water. Let them play

I should try to be positive though. On the bright side, Hillary’s digital guru finally discovered Wordpress?

Hence the complete tone-deafness of the democratic party.

It is never a great time for Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State, to be president.

One of the big takeaways from reading the Clinton emails is that she is completely surrounded by fawning sycophants.

At least it gave us this meme generator.

“...the DNC will stay neutral through the debates and primaries...”


Juiceiro, but for news!

A harrowing account, to be sure, but as soon as I get to “So I’m drinking my mimosa in a Mason jar,” it’s difficult to come up with a long list of things the other person could do to turn out to be the bad guy in the story.

How did anyone think this would be a good idea, let alone enough people to actually make it a reality (albeit, presumably, a short-lived one)?

Second worst president in modern history leaves worst president (only 7 months in) in modern history a love letter. Regressive Left masturbates all over its own stomach over it.
Fuck’s sake...


Trump’s policies are making the country a better place. Handouts bankrupting the country and importing terrorists are not good things. Sounds like he’s doing a pretty good job to me.