Fookin' Prawns

On a train it’s the mile long club

I can’t be the only one relieved not to find myself in there.

“There’s less rules than on planes, and nobody gets dragged off through the aisle like on a plane. People have more time to go nuts and do crazy things.”

Remember when Spotify used to let you preview songs in-app when you pressed and held down on a song title? And then when they took it away for no reason (like they do with other useful features)?


Some historical notes:

On the first play in that tweet, the Suns do another near-synchronous fast break! I bet if Tyson Chandler was on the court for the Lakers, he would have added to the lockstep. Original:

LeBron: “I want to go to LA. I want to go to LA when it has a team that can make it to the championship. This is my dream.”

Is it even necessary to comment on something that you personally didn’t find enjoyable? Maybe most of the other 26,860 viewers of that video did find it enjoyable.

Now playing

I’m a YouTube dashcammer so I see a lot of crazy things. But definitely a fan favorite is when I was behind some lady at a car wash and she could NOT get in no matter how hard she tried. Her main problem was that she was turning the wheel the wrong direction when backing up, only making her problems worse. It’s at the

Driving back from college at night one weekend, car in front of me on the interstate was emitting a super bright glow from the inside.

Upon passing him, noticed he had a 13" TV/VCA combo buckled into the passenger seat facing him and he was watching a movie...

If that’s your take I highly recommend “The Void” (2016) 

Yes... kids... definitely not me at work with a stack of paper I snagged from the copy machine.

* Sits low, making it easy to transport, but has hydraulics for rougher terrain.
* Forward turret has twin miniguns. Rear turret rides on a track and is modular/replaceable. (Variants include: Vulcan rotary cannons, automatic grenade launchers, various missile launchers, light rail guns, free electron lasers, particle

Or just hire the Pumaman?  He can fly and slide through solid walls!

Our forces are organized in a way that would make Warhammer 40k seem sensible.

I absolutely adore official pentagon speak for weapon system requirements. If you never thought there was a professional way to say, "I want a weapon platform capable of fucking up all other weapon platforms of the same size and occasionally larger sizes" look no further than the Pentagon's requirements for this

I use my side burner on my grill all the time. Primarily, I use it to make bacon (at least once a week). The temperature control is way better than on my stove top, plus the bacon grease just splatters on my grill or the patio instead of my stove.

Personal Finance 301: Now that you’ve got some coin, you’re in the position to afford anything you want. This still does not mean everything you want.

Personal finance 101: Don’t buy shit you can’t afford.