Grand Inquisitor DOOM

Pedantic gripe here.

Celeste was originally released in 2015 by Matt Thorson and Noel Berry using PICO-8 and features many of the same core concepts of mountain climbing and strawberry collection.

I love it when games are reissued and enhanced, but it’s misleading to call a reissued game “new” as it implies that the

It appears that you’re either trans, or know a thing or two about trans identity/representation. As such, do you mind explaining something to me? You’ll have to forgive any bumbling on my part, I’m not really well-versed in this topic.

It’s my understanding that as of 2016, the estimate of transgender people within the

He’s not “Some Guy”, he’s Dan Melamed. Former Professor of Computer Scientist at NYU, and former researcher with both AT&T and Microsoft. Would you prefer:
“William Turton Wrote A Puliziter Winning Article On Facebook Security Flaw”
“Some Guy Wrote A Computer Article And Got An Award”