
@mramon26: Same for me...what color did the plus signs change to? Anything?

I see a weird like, green/teal with shades of yellow and blue in it. I can't really explain. Anyone else notice this?

@SuddenImpact: Is that supposed to be negative or just posing the question as what will he be like 20 years down the road?

@BlackYoshi7: It is far too risky for

"It opens new avenues of research—gene therapy, stem cell treatments—that may otherwise have been thought dead ends"

Cause ya know, it's not like Carbon exists in any other forms than pure diamond...

@tw0 bears: For 20 MB/s down? Holy crap! I'm paying $90 discounted from $130 for full cable and 10 MB/s down 1 MB/s up internet through comcast.

@Segador: While yes many of them are a bunch of immature, whiny a certain extent I feel their efforts are commendable. Their platform is on disbanding censorship of the internet, and that what the government is doing to WikiLeaks is wrong.

@zensflare: Haha exactly what I was thinking. Was gonna look for a good sunrise screenshot to post...

@id8: Haha ya, I don't know what they were thinknig. 5200lbs? That's absurd. The car is really a behemoth of fail, no drivability, poor styling, bad decisions all around.

@faulpeltz: Ya I've seen that episode. I love when he tries to drive it up the hill and it just spins...then he tries to drive it in the snow and it just spins...Hilarious!

He bought an X6 too...clearly a man with poor decision making abilities.

@hilikusopus: Agreed. The implications of this are astronomical (pun intended!).

@Tobin Lam: Have you ever studied quantum physics? Seems pretty damn impossible to me haha but thus far it works.

@The Werewolf: While it is possible that it was a single point mutation, it seems highly unlikely. Arsenic is similar to Phosphorous, except that it is a metalloid and experiences some highly different chemistry.

@Chris Lockwood: There is a difference between metabolism pathways and actually incorporating foreign elements in to your genetic material to survive.

@LabNerd: PCR and I have a love hate relationship. Damn you qPCR!

@LastGunslinger: Without knowing what they will say at the conference, I would hazard a guess towards an adaption to the environment.