
@ColbertForPrez: I don't know much about Shadow Biospheres, but from the definitions online it looks like this is indeed what it would probably be.

@Hank Scorpio: I would agree with you, and with such a discovery this nearly assures that life must exist elsewhere in the universe, if not our own solar system!

@agent010: Chances are it would have very little effect. The reason is because gold is almost completely neutral to the body, and is just excreted by waste. It has been injected in to humans and other animals for eons, with nearly zero side effects.

@KamWrex: And yet, in both cases sodium is being consumed. In one form, as the dissociation of NaCl to it's ions, and in the other the formation of sodium oxides or sodium hydroxides which will then dissociate as well.

"squeeze through a specially designed proton-exchange membrane (one of the JTEC elements borrowed from fuel cells) and combine with the electrons on the other side, reconstituting the hydrogen......As long as heat is supplied, the cycle continues indefinitely."

I love these things, my aunt introduced them to me a couple of years ago.

NaSi (Sodium Sillicide) is something I have been following for years. I have been keeping close tabs on its uses, and it is some really exciting stuff. It's ok, I laughed. Love the eyes.

Explain to me how you can have -0.997 bar of pressure. You could have -0.997 bar below atmospheric pressure, but not "values produced in his machine approach -0.997 bar"

@asideses: "Perhaps if scientists and the media would stop reading pulp fiction as if it were fact, stop proselytizing their global issues and chips on their shoulders with fear and start talking about what they're going to do about it instead of what everyone else should not be doing they might not be staring down

@CaffineFreakUs: I remember sitting at the kitchen counter at a friends house, his dad just got a "laptop", something nearly unheard of at the time. IBM Thinkpad, easily an inch and a half thick.

@DonLuc: I have a copy of Hover floating around on one of my external harddrives somewhere. It playes perfectly fine on Vista and on W7, as far as I know. I play it every couple of months just for the hell of it.

@dethwolf_x: Whether you are an optimist or a realist at heart, it doesn't matter. This will never happen in our lifetimes and I would be willing to place every dollar I have and ever will have on that.

@Ajanu: Haha my thoughts exactly. How would they miss that?

@Gareth Freshwater: I love my storm2 personally. The SurePress technology is truly a pleasure to use once you get used to it.

@SunIsBlue: Ya I agree, it's really too bad. We use it for the business we are trying to start has been incredibly helpful. Too bad I guess.

@twreckx is Naija서울: Same here. I can't believe it, since the stats are about the same. Not to mention the Torch utilizes a touch screen, so the OS is already optimized (mostly) for it. I seriously question their decision.