The Glow Cloud

I take it you’ve never been beaten and dragged before. Especially at an older age. You know the whole euphemism of “begging for your death”? Yeah, apply that here. As a Black, male nurse I can completely empathize with what happened to him. He was dragged, head just banged around and was obviously “touched-up”

It’s a priority thing. I’m anti-death penalty, but repeatedly vote for candidates that will not end it, because there’s 25 things that I agree with them on before we even get to death penalty. I would love us to get rid of it as a nation, but first, lets get everyone heathcare, and fix the environment, and stop

How is Chris Brown still a thing?

I don’t really care about Wayne but could this please put Chris Brown back into prison and out of our misery.

moral of all stories: stay in your home.

United Airlines spokesman Henry “Indiana” Jones, Jr. stated that forcible removal is standard protocol when an involuntary volunteer refuses to comply with a volunteering order.


Black girls.

Maybe Putin left those guys there on purpose because they were next on his hit list anyway.

You can feel sorry for someone for their upbringing/potential abuse and still be disgusted that they have chosen to tie themselves to Donald Trump, no matter their relation.

Fox is like the hood over my stove. It’s constantly covered in this thin film of tacky, disgusting grease and when you touch it by mistake you recoil.