Ughhhh. How upsetting. This is the most disappointing news of all March. Booo.
Ughhhh. How upsetting. This is the most disappointing news of all March. Booo.
An interesting read... I'm definitely a rule breaker. GTA-fanatic. Although the story and universe of Half-Life really does pull me in too.
Well good. I'd love some valve action on my PS3. And this from someone who has a screamin PC
@Edfire77: Dude, that's BRILLIANT. They need to make a documentary about that too.
excellent. I will get this.
yeah, drop your WoW in favor of this LEGO MMO coming out. I refuse to play any game with "orcs" "paladins" or "mana". Iew.
Definitely want to get in on this. Big huge LEGO nerd here.
Yes. Just... yes. I have been watching this one for a long, long time now. And I can barely stand the building anticipation with its release so imminent. It's gonna be DOPE.
Sign me up! Where do I click! I'll buy Rez HD for PS3
Awwww. I'm actually bummed about that. I want to see more games set in the 60s and 70s, so I can strut around with an afro and bell bottoms. Dammit. I woulda bought that one.
hahaha, I love the snarky commentary at the end Luke. It's funny cuz it's true!
@mcderek3000: Word, son. Word.
Under Siege?! Steven Segall is finally getting his well deserved game based on the film?! I'll take five of those motion control thingies!
Yeah, I really want to play both of those Half Life games. I've been itching for EP3 and I was really disappointed to hear it won't be coming out in 2010. I've been a die hard fan of the franchise since inception and I really wish Valve would have not made the needless sequel that was L4D2, and instead sunk their…
Man, they removed Edge AGAIN!? Those asshats! I do have that game on my phone and I would say it is indeed a very bomb game with a killer soundtrack. Damn. I'm gonna go play a few rounds today in honor of them not being available. That's so weak. Damn you Tim Langdell!
@PorkPie: I don't think that's true, at least to my knowledge. I know there is one company out there who actually DOES make a game-centric case with d-pad and buttons, called iControlPad. However you have to jailbreak your phone to use it, and last time I checked it was only a prototype, not a real purchasable…
Sweet, looking forward to hearing more about this one that's been flying under the radar for a long ass time now
I hope someone out there from Apple is reading all the complaints about the lousy controls scheme for any game on the iPhone. And there is an easy fix: simply allow 3rd parties to make a nicely designed case that incorporates a D-pad and buttons. Apple could even make it themselves if they absolutely required it to…
Ugh. I KNEW it! Another delay. Why, oh why Valve, must you put all these other franchises between me and my beloved Gordon? I mean, I love TF2 and Left 4 Dead is awesome and all, but Half Life is the mother of them all... I guess go ahead and take your time to make it awesome... but dammit I want to find out what…