
Ugh. I KNEW it! Another delay. Why, oh why Valve, must you put all these other franchises between me and my beloved Gordon? I mean, I love TF2 and Left 4 Dead is awesome and all, but Half Life is the mother of them all... I guess go ahead and take your time to make it awesome... but dammit I want to find out what

Dude, I think this is gonna be awesome. I can't wait to play this one

I like this back and forth bantering between you Kotakuians. Cool format for debate about GOTY.

hahahaha, it's funny because it's true!

Makes a lot of sense to do this. I'd like to get in on the fun since I don't have a DS, however man..... I so deeply wish that Apple would allow accessory makers to build a case with a d-pad and buttons. Don't they understand how dumb it is to have all these game makers putting fake thumbsticks on the screen????

off with their heads. These guys put the "phony" in Polyphony. GT4 was an revered classic. But delay after delay... wasn't this game originally supposed to be a launch title for the PS3? And the demo that recently came out? What a joke. Six years and that's the best demo they can produce. Please. If I was

Hey, that's great. Good for Gabe, he's spearheaded some truly amazing stuff. Congratulations... now where's my Episode 3 already?! ;)

Ugh. Really? Really GT5? Drifting? *facepalm* this game just keeps getting sadder and sadder. And it won't be out until 2018. Just in time for the Playstation 5. I've turned from a fanboy into a hater in the last year. This is just another reinforcement.

awesome! I'm gonna go get this game!

man, what's with the trend of every game having to have a multiplayer component? That's stupid. "How many assassins can you fit in a haystack", indeed. I don't see how this game could possibly translate to multiplayer without a significant format change.

disgusting. GT5 is the new Duke Nukem Forever. This game should have been out multiple years ago. Keep delaying it like this and there's no way they can live up to the hype and the expectations. I don't know what's taking them all this obnoxious time, but whoever is running that project is a damn fool. I used to

I'm just straight up baffled how they've spent so much time and money and hyped this game beyond all belief and now how little to show there seems to be. I got the demo and honestly it's pixelated trees, lame music, and a stiff driving experience ... realistic or not, it's just not that FUN. I feel pretty

I hate MMOs, but I think I might try this one...

play Red Dead Redemption. And that 3D pixel version of a Link to the Past. And Mirror's Edge 2

wanna sell some more? PS3 release!

I love TF2 . . . a lot. But Valve, when you gonna come home and finish up HL2? People are dying out here for that final episode.

This is a pretty informative trailer, in that it tells you a lot about what kinds of things you'll be doing in the game, and what kind of world it will be. At the same time it doesn't really spoil anything. I like the format, it's original. Let me say it again: I can't wait to play this one!!!

Remake TIE Fighter, remake Syndicate, make Mirror's Edge 2, and for god's sake, at least set your WWII games in the Pacific or something. Nazis are so played out. In general, I'd like to see more games set in unusual periods of history. Like Rockstar's new one in the Wild West is gonna be sweet. And Assasin's