
wow. badass. Studio Ghibli... in a videogame. that's rad

Oh hecks yeah! I can't wait for this, and it makes me happy to know that there's a crack team of elite LEGO obsessives who are dorking out over it to help the devs. Good! My expectations: build the Black Seas Barracuda and take Captain Redbeard on a raiding party, from the Rock Island Refuge to the Eldorado

noooooo!! The airplanes are already ANNOYING ENOUGH! Cell phones on airplanes is the worst idea ever. I can already hear the snide businessmen blabbering on about nothing with their lame jokes and their expensive suits and their oblivious, self-centered stinky breath polluting the stale, recycled cabin air. I feel

If apple made a console, it'd probably be ridiculously overpriced, have sleek design with some obnoxiously terrible functionality considerations (recessed audio jacks all around!), and all the software would be DRM-ridden bloatware tethered to your account, with extremely draconian content control from the high gods

Yesss! More Strong Bad, please! I know what I'm doing tonight!

"I never thought I'd see a resonance cascade, let alone create one!"

Jeez, that is frickin SWEET. It's part social commentary, part scientology mockery, part half-life tribute, and entirely badass. Those guys did some great work here. I salute you, fellas!

TF2, MGS4, GTA4, maybe a little Quest for Booty too.

Spent hours and hours ambling around in the original full throttle, clicking on everything possible just to see what Ben would say. Me and my best friend in High School used to stay up late playing it. I remember we got stuck in Melonweed for a long time, looking around at night for the bike parts we needed. That

sweet halo girl, I wanna marry you

Cool! Can anybody say new wallpapers!

yessssssssssss!! Put that shiz out baby! I want it!

Idunno what the dude in the quotes is talking about—I'd rather have a sweet new bottle opener which is useful for holding papers on the fridge and cracking open some cold ones, than a finger puppet... which is good forrrrrr... ????

Second. Ah Sierra, how awesome you were back in the day. I remember playing Kings Quest 4 right when it came out and thinking how awesome it looked... which is utterly hysterical today. And I don't know how many hours I spent bumbling around that space freighter trying to get out in Space Quest III. I wanted to

Dude. How much more do they really need to torture us by dangling this thing in our faces??? Just release the thing! I wanna play it! I don't wanna read about it anymore! Okay, maybe I still do wanna read about it, but f'real, this game needs to come out already! Oh the agony! Sweet sackboy, when can we finally

That's pretty wild. I'm not as impressed as most though. I play on a projector at home, and my picture is 100". The thing cost me $380 and it's 720p... I mean, for real... why don't more people do this? It's, how you say, SWEET.

hahah nice photo =) giz rocks

hahaha oops!! Hey is that a Black Seas Barracuda? I wish someone would leak the forthcoming LEGO MMO! I wanna play that!

HaHA! Another victory for GTA! Take THAT you wrinkly old sweedish gardeners! Mwah hah hahahahaha!