
“I was watching a scene where Naomi and Holden are having a conversation and he’s handing her the tools. I was watching this scene and I thought, ‘Oh my god, only 10 years ago, maybe even five, it would be Holden who is the engineer and working on the engine and Naomi, the woman, passing him the tools.’”

I, for one, support Elon Musk in his [continued] quest for world domination.

“There’s a wall near a tree and a box with a head in it that has no business being there.”

Let’s be honest here - Peter Cushing’s performance for the villainous Governor Tarkin was supposed to be stiff, unflinching, and cold, so I’d surmise it’d be easier to have his likeness and performance emulated by a stand-in with a CGI overlay. It looked great in Rogue One, but there was still enough to know that

Now playing

There is only one musical Star Wars that I need:

That presumes that the series (Man in the High Castle) is doing the same thing as the book, just more fleshed out. I don’t think that’s the case. The show is doing essentially what the book “Fatherland” was trying to do. But the book is not really doing that at all — it’s much more in line with themes that Dick

Juliana Crane was so right not to trust the Resistance. It’s all run by cylons. But I suppose the Resistance is always all run by cylons. Even if it’s anti-cylon resistance.

That doesn’t gel with her characterization this episode, where she’s pushing Jon to lead and displaying affection for him. Those are not the actions of a coldly calculating person who would sacrifice the life of her half brother and the men of the houses loyal to them.

As dumb as the overall battle strategy was, the Snow army did at least draw the Bolton light infantry out in a space where they would get destroyed by Bolton’s own archers. Of course this also resulted in the complete destruction of the Snow calvary, forced wildings into formation infrantry fighting despite their

If a giant wants to go into battle without a weapon, who’s gonna argue?

Dude, seven days? My dogs won’t let me go seven hours.

I think the point of contention isn’t whether or not she asked, it’s whether she had any reason to believe her call would be answered- in time, if at all.

Just to clear up for you, the Vale troops, nor almost anyone else, wouldn’t have to cross the river at the Frey’s home, the Twins. That is simply the fastest way for an army from Winterfell to reach further West, like River Run or Casterly Rock. The Vale would simply take the Kingsroad on up.

I hope Tilda Swinton and Podrick get back in time to help Jon Snow and Sansa Fierce defeat Evil Elijah Wood.

I’d argue that the reason people came up with crackpot theories in this particular instance is due to the fact that the alternative is a sloppy plot-armor-ridden and inconsistent characterization of Arya. No one wanted to believe it was due to fanfic level writing.

Maybe the next time you’re out of the house, you should phone her and ask how Wolfie’s doing.

I didn’t really like the theories that Arya wasn’t Arya, but I liked them better than the alternative - that Arya had been handed the idiot ball in order to advance the plot. That plus the very visible plot armor is extremely poor writing, and I’m pretty disappointed.

I recognized nearly every one, but the focus on big studio tentpole movies in recent years was a turnoff. The clips from the past were true classics like Chinatown and Psycho (was Raging Bull in there or Taxi Driver?). That giant green guy I forget his name; does that really belong among the classics? I was just