
I think Ridley Scott and Harrison Ford were right to loathe the voice over.

Re: Euron’s improv: “...he did really well at taking advantage of a pretext no one could have seen coming to do it.” 

“Last night’s finale was a pre-planned destination that showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss had to cobble together the route to afterwards.”

I think the problem here is actually poor or compressed writing. D&D wanted to show tensions between Jon & Sansa, and have Littlefinger play off them in Season 7. Jon seems to value her input enough to have had that conversation beforehand with her, and that is where the argument would have happened. But then you

“That would be if she said get rid of the Glovers and anyone who refused to fight. Which she is not.”

1) If the Walkers get south of the Wall, it won’t matter if Alexander the Great is manning the Last Hearth.

“I guess I just don’t see Ned’s leadership style as a mistake.”

“She didn’t debase him.”

Jon put a TEN YEAR OLD in charge of Last Hearth.

Sansa made a sensible point on-on-one with Jon about the need to be smarter than Ned and Robb.

We could say more: It’s not just his status as the last known (illegitimate) male Stark that gets Jon into poll position; it’s that he’s proven his ability as a highly skilled combatant and combat leader in a martial feudal culture (the North) that values these qualities above all else. For a culture like this, even

The writing *has* been uneven, as the show has moved off the books - D&D aren’t the best screenwriters out there. But in fairness to them, Martin by the fifth book has written himself into something of a corner, branching out into even more sub-narratives and characters. That was going to make it increasingly

“The location matches the tree Jon, Sam, and other Night’s Watch inductees took their oaths in front of all the way back in season one, so this should take place after Bran’s arrival at Castle Black.”

The whole idea really only makes sense with something like the protomolecule from THE EXPANSE - an artificial life form carefully engineered to adapt to, absorb and reengineer a wide array of biological organisms. It’s built for that sort of thing.

“I think it would be foolish to think that the actual operations system is any less complex when in manual mode - perhaps the UI would present the information in a more streamlined manner. It would still be overload for anyone but a trained pilot.”

“I suspect weight limitations are a significant factor.” Oh, almost certainly.

They did. I was restricting myself to the beasts with an outside chance of toggling a control...


I think the problem is there is so much we don’t know. They get a year’s training, which presumably involves not just very directed physical fitness, but some technical training on the things a) most likely to go wrong, and b) they might have a realistic chance of fixing/correcting with SpaceX mission control walking

Well, technically this flight will be after two, possibly three Dragon 2 flights, at least one of them manned (the first crewed test flight in late summer 2018). So they will only fly after Dragon 2 has succeeded with that. But yes, as of today, deposit in hand, that’s all still in the future.