
In fairness, Dragon 2 won’t have to do a rendezvous on this flight. It was the GPS set up for ISS rendezvous that glitched.

“Yet, autonomous features have manual override controls and control panels in the cockpit for Dragon 2, if I recall correctly.”

The Soviets actually send several tortoises and mealworms around the Moon and back in September 1968 (Zond 5). They survived, with some slight weight loss.

Nope. Musk says it’s just the two passengers. No SpaceX pilots.

Again, not according to Eric Berger’s article at Ars: “Musk said the company would launch its Dragon 2 spacecraft on top of a Falcon Heavy rocket and that the two passengers would be flying solo, without the assistance of professional astronauts. Dragon 2, he said, is designed as an autonomous vehicle.”

The thing is, it’s hard to know just what they could fix even if they were John Young and Scott Kelly after a day immersed in the Fountain of Youth. Dragon 2 has a minimal control display (almost all touchscreen), and it’s designed to be fully automated. You don’t have the vast array of manual controls and equipment

Eric Berger’s article on this said: “Musk said the company would launch its Dragon 2 spacecraft on top of a Falcon Heavy rocket and that the two passengers would be flying solo, without the assistance of professional astronauts. Dragon 2, he said, is designed as an autonomous vehicle.”

I guess the difference here (well, the obvious one) is that German industrialists in 1933 wanted to make lots of money building things painted green or battleship grey, and see them used to make Germany one heck of a lot bigger (more captive markets).

(As for the ethicality argument, if the actor or his family/estate agree and there is compensation commensurate to the role then I don’t see a problem with it.)

Boy, I dunno. The prosthetics used to “recreate” him in ROTS were, for me, even more disconcerting. Then again, he was only on screen for a few seconds, and at a distance. Much more was demanded of Tarkin in ROGUE ONE. Maybe they should have scaled his screen time back.

Or it could have been both narrative simplicity *and* reducing some of the grimness (and too many sources are suggesting the latter to easily dismiss it).

It’s going to be hard enough to stage a boycott when the people most likely to be persuaded to boycott the movie were mostly unlikely to be inclined to watch the movie in the first place.

I don’t think the protagonists are *that* bad (well, Frank kinda is), but I do agree that the Nazi and Japanese antagonists (esp. Smith and Tagomi) are generally more interesting and even sympathetic. Which may be as much a testament to the actors as to the script. And it’s no mean feat to accomplish that with SS

Right. And I think we have to recognize that THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE was always going to be an unusually hard book to adapt to the screen. For the showrunners to try to do justice to every theme in the book was going to be difficult, even with 10 hours per year to work with.

“Arya managed to kill two Frey heirs inside the Twins, which is full of Freys, servants, and guards, butcher them, and bake them into a delicious pie?”

“In the Sept, Margaery realizes that Cersei and Tommen’s absence means something horrible.”

Come to that, though, even Jon did not have any (steel) armor - just his Stark leathers. Which is not nothing. But contrast that with how Robb Stark was typically attired.

If she doesn’t trust Jon even with *this* information, then she’s got far bigger problems on her hands.

“Thematically, as dumb as Jon was, I think it was necessary because since his death, he has been seeking to escape from his new life. Forst he tries to leave the Wall, then he presses to attack as quickly as possible, and then he stares down an entire charging army, with ni expectation of rescue, in what I feel is an

“Here’s a plausible answer- Sansa didn’t exactly know that they’d be there. “