
How long ago was this?

That’s quite an ending!

You were one smart 12 year old!!!

When is this going to end????

So you have no idea what he meant by traitor? Did he know about your boyfriend at the other school? How did you betray him? 

Oh wow. Good ending.

Your story doesn’t really fit in this forum but gotta say, you are possibly the only person in the history of insurance holders/hospital goers to experience this.

I remember you’re story. It’s great.

Don’t read that kind of crap anymore. Stay away from it. You are too sensitive.

Words to live by.

Amen, BBB. We did more or less nothing in WWI and only got involved in WWII when we were bombed. The rich politically connected Americans were making too much money from the war to want it stopped.

Uh, you may have been that soldier.

So he was unhappy in life and took it out on his family? That’s...fucked up. I’m sorry you had to go through that.

Repost from last year?

That’s not true.

Then good luck because most of these stories do not involve ghosts.


It’s a beautiful story. Glad to hear they caught who killed your cousin. Sorry for you and yours.

The dead relatives are the ones who help with the transition. That is why they gather. You know all when dead. Alive? Not so much. Kind of sucks.

The year it was posted on this Jezebel thread (or maybe the year after) someone posted that the story was written by a known fiction writer who posts great scary stories on reddit. The person even posted her (yes, it is a woman...I think) who wrote the story. I’m not certain if she posted on reddit prior to posting on