

YES!!! Love the casting. And love the history lesson. Thank you!

I so agree.


I just love her.

The Rose McGowan charge is just bullshit. I am praying it will all come out in her favor. The woman has been through enough.

It will be interesting to see how they remake themselves. They are in a great location and actually do a decent business (I had never even heard of Cinefamily and wondered why these stories kept showing pictures of the Silent Movie Theater). It is a beautiful, old theater, haunted, but beautiful. They are better off

Every U.S. war has operated that way so, let’s say 65%?

Now playing

I like a few of his songs...but not that one. This one is fun (the video helps):

Her voice annoys the shit out of me so I cannot connect.

That’s just pathetic.

If people (men) have to cancel their company’s holiday party it means they don’t know how to act. I’ve planned many a corporate holiday party that included a djay, karaoke, alcohol and food. The company was half straight/half gay with plenty of women of all ages. We always had a great time and no one was sexually

The thing about how he answered Howard’s question was so quick. He didn’t answer no right away when Howard asked if he was ever aggressive with someone. But then after being quiet for a few moments, he admitted to doing something and was specific. He remembered the incident right away. So why would he not remember

Because everyone else who has been accused of similar behavior since forever has denied, denied, denied....denied until they can’t deny any longer. That’s why.

Why would any loving parent name their child Taffy?

Why settle if you haven’t done anything?

He was also beloved in Toronto when he played there. Big time.

Well, that is not the actions of an innocent woman, is it?

What is happening is not a witch hunt, these men are being OUTED for who they are. It was an open secret that the men now being featured in the media, were abusers in some form. The old saying, power in numbers has given women a strength, to feel free to to speak up without the fear of being blackballed.

Unfortunately, these are not the actions of an innocent man.