
Why has Brown “...taken measures to get help...” if he never struck his wife?

I was asking about the face in the window story at the hotel. Did you apologize?

I believe you! I started reading these last week and a few things have happened.

You are not an asshole for wanting a normal home life.

Damn. Did anything else ever happen?

Their being stuck is their own doing (children being the exception). More or less.

Jesus Christ. Horrifying.

He is seeing it. Don’t be sad. 

I told your story to my eyebrow lady yesterday and I could see all the hairs on her arms were standing up. Chills.

So I have just started watching car crash videos on You Tube. I watch only the American/Canadian channels (Russians are fucking batshit crazy) and I subscribe to a bunch of Bad Driver of _________ (insert city/state). Anyway, sometimes the channels post themselves just driving somewhere pretty. Recently I watched one

Amen sister!

Okay, that’s creepy. The face reminds me of the genie in the mirror (sans turban) in the Bugs Bunny episode when he is trick or treating and stumbles upon a real witch who wants to add him to her stew.

I’m so sorry! Ha! Our poster asks us if we can see faces in the window so I thought he just forgot to mention the monk. He looks rather harmless to me. :0]

Love that picture.

I never got weird feelings from either place but I only a spent a few hours both times I went. Jerome has a restaurant that served strawberry cake that my dad loved so we were all happy to be there. Sedona has great shopping so again, happy happy. But a few hours is different than actually vacationing at a location.

They may not obey but they understand. Animals understand more than we think.

“The Alice in Wonderland detail is particularly disturbing.”

He waited a year and half to mention it to his last girlfriend. That says something.


Amen sister!