
Jesus Christ.

In the same spirit, here is Keira Knightley from Atonement...

They sound gross but then again, I am not a big lover of Girl Scout cookies. But good for the organization to keep updating their brand.

Ugh. Why does none of this surprise me?

That baby mascot is just CREEPY.

Why employers don’t appreciate the people who actually make their company run makes me sick. I can never understand the mentality of over-working employees with no benefits. There’s no incentive...except the shit salary. That is not an incentive.


Sorry for you both (you and randilynis). I’d be worried all the time if they are happy.

Socially awkward dog seems to have a kindred spirit right behind him.

Oh. Okay, well that’s really good know and SUCH AN IMPORTANT DETAIL to point out.

i’m not sorry to say it: Fuck that Bitch. How did she get elected as Attorney General? Because she is blonde? Her comments are completely blonde (that last sentence in her exchange with AC...what is that?). Blonde and ignorant and fucking stupid.

He was SO BAD in The Martian but half of that movie is so bad. The other half kind of fun.

I find that odd.

Me. Handgun and rifle. Once each.


He raped more than one girl at Florida State. The university officials or I should say an administrator admitted he was a known sexual offender in either The Hunting Ground or It Happened Here. I cannot remember which documentary investigated his case.

Hopefully he will be grateful knowing his good fortune is coming from his looks alone.


Can we bottle that formula for humans?

What is that weird thing behind her in the picture?