
Emmitt Smith? Did I miss something?

Why is ESPN even interviewing this fucktoid? He doesn’t deserve the airtime.



“Say a 6-foot-5 athlete is now being hit by his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, who’s crazy and who’s harassing him, and she won’t stop. What would you do?” Perry said he posed to the room.

I Cant Make You Love Me is one of the most heartbreaking songs. Ever. I have on my iTunes playlist and every time I listen, I weep. :0] Love this woman.

Thank you, crackcocaine. :0]


OMG!!!! I HATE LOVE, ACTUALLY SO VERY MUCH!!! THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS. The looks I get when saying how bad it is are scathing.

I’m old so I am asking a real question here: why do some men call women Bro or Dude as they are neither. Just curious.

Brownstein got great billing for one line of dialogue.

And you’re a meanie!!!

If only.

That is who she reminded me of in Carol. She totally rocked the Audrey Hepburn look.

Not much according to what is posted above. Your headline is misleading.

a) Drew is kinda crazy so this is not news. b) Why is it any business of Madonna’s landlord who stays in her apartment?

Rape is not a racial issue. It’s an illegal act committed by fucked up assholes, who are all colors.

It’s disgusting. There’s a quote I’m going to mess up: “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.” Truer words...

Exactly. Why does a college football team need their own police officer? Kind of says it all, doesn’t it?