I wonder if this balances the scales from all of the CIA lies he perpetrated on his Anti-China episode.
I wonder if this balances the scales from all of the CIA lies he perpetrated on his Anti-China episode.
honestly this is the best AV club newswire post since oneal left
good one, you sack of horse shit
there’s only one metric in survivor. the win
come on now. is the av club really this obtuse?
russell hantz wasn’t even good at winning challenges, he was good at finding idols. this whole thing is dumb
it’s absurd that “spent the most time playing the game” is a metric for best player. what in the “participation trophy” is this bs?
im not hate watching i’m just hate
jesus christ what the f
Come on now. When has SNL not been about cult of personality? They hosted trump for god’s sake?
the marvel zombies insult has never been more applicable than to fans of the MCU that can’t abide any criticism.
blank check fans in the house?
this was not endemic to trump and will not end with him.
I’d love to hear you talk more about this is 40.
what the holy hell
Robert Cormier was my friend group’s JK Rowling of the early 90's. He gave a talk at our local library and we all dressed up like characters from “the bumblebee flies anyway”
This baby talk fairy tale stuff is weird.
well, that’s cynical.
Now i laugh and make a fortune off the same ones that i tortured and the world screams Kiss me son of god