
There were two particular women that were terrible to me in high-school. One day I turned on the tv and saw one of them on the episode, “I like sleeping with you mom better” or something like that. I sat through episode and thought the show was a joke, but it turned out that it was all very true. If I remember

You can blame abstinence-only sex ed for that. Thanks, Murikkka!

Jerry Springer is 74 now. Let the dude retire, dammit!

Gotta second that. “ I am intentionally revolting.” is an aesthetic I find difficult to, er...embrace.

My high school had a drive your tractor to school day when I was growing up. I don’t see the issue.

Wealth would solve all my most important problems, and make me happier overall, because wealth allows you options. I hate comfortable to sickeningly rich people bullshitting poor people about this fact.

I’m not currently on fire, yet my life isn’t perfect. Therefore, anyone who is currently on fire should stop with all the screaming, because it’s not like they wouldn’t still have problems if they weren’t aflame.

The day I see a rich person give away all their wealth to live a poor happy life is the day I’ll believe you. Otherwise keep that garbage to yourself.

This is bullshit. There are very few problems that money can’t solve. Kate Spade, from what I have read, refused to get treatment. Unlike the vast majority of people though she HAD A CHOICE. There are people dying of completely treatable illnesses who want help but can’t PAY for it.

Hey ask anyone poor and struggling day to day and ask them if they’d rather have rich problems or poor problems.

No, but it’ll sure as hell solve SOME of them.

Go fuck yourself with this old timey outdated shit “advice”. Rich people or people that will never be rich trying to convince themselves that money doesn’t make you happy or lottery winners with their awful stories, give me the money then.

Ah, yes. The rich man who says, effectively, ‘no, poor people, you really don’t want to be rich - you’re happier staying poor’. And yes, Seneca was a rich man. Helen Gurley Brown was much more on point when she said “Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.”

No, but wealth would in fact solve just about everyone’s basic problems.

EXACTLY. Who thinks wealth will solve ALL of their problems? I certainly don’t - but it will solve my BIGGEST problems, which are all financially related and are taking a negative physical toll on me at present. It then allows me the free time and access to focus on improving myself psychologically.

As life problems go, that’s one that I’d be very pleased to be rid of.

I know that wealth would not solve all of my problems directly, but solving all of my problems would be much easier with wealth by outright removing some of them and clearing roadblocks for other solutions. At least some of the “extra” problems wealthy folks to have are self-inflicted. Lottery winners, for example,

Maybe not, but I’ll be able to afford having more fun while I have them.

Damn sure would put a major dent into them thou.

But, but, I don’t have any problems that wealth would help me with. I would still take my chances though, because being poor never helps with your problems either, but you are able to dress better and eat better.