
What kind of person takes the time out to send messages to someone to say that they shouldn’t be able to date and be happy because they have a mental illness??? Jesus, people, get a hobby.

Thank you! They need to correct this. They are not the same thing.

Davidson: Just because someone has a mental illness does not mean they can’t be happy and in a relationship

Whenever I see a male celebrity who I like trending on social media, I hope it’s nothing too bad and they’ve just died.

I keep waiting for some shit to come out about him. If it does, I truly am done.

people are determined to make apathy the only outlook on life. The more I age, the easier it is to see ending up with 5 dogs as utterly acceptable

No. The truth is that “civilization” is just a bunch of people who’ve agreed to fake it.

“The average annual premium for employees with employer-sponsored coverage is $1,325" - That just sounds wrong. Except for a couple of people that work on the OLD city pay tiers and get completely free health insurance, no one I know pays $110 or less a month for health insurance premiums. Not unless they’re on the

Long ago I established a “default” wedding gift that I give almost everyone who I know who gets married. It’s a Pyrex Portable (9x13 pan with cover and insulated carrying case) and copy of a personal recipe book that I’ve compiled over the years (printed out pages slid into sheet protectors held together with split

Always bring an extra card. Something nice. Elegant. Flowery. All that. Doesn’t have to cost more than a few bucks, though. Don’t put your name on it, either. DO throw in a few pamphlets on various STDs (the older the better).

St. Paul Johnson High School

MS-13? What happened to ISIS? trump still has not defeated ISIS as he promised he would. Now he’s on to a new distraction.

I find it bizarre this article then immediately made an attack on Kate’s dress, right after admonishing Katy Perry for doing that to Jezebel?

I’m pretty sure my body can handle ingesting what got in there while the glass was sitting on the counter for an hour or so.

I once lost a lot of weight due to an undiagnosed illness and got endless compliments on how I looked. I enjoyed the looks on women’s faces when I told them that they’d have to develop a mysterious wasting disease in order to enjoy my path to dieting success.

I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, so I’ll whisper it

Gotta second this. Even if I agreed with someone’s opinions on pets, politics, etc. it’s a HUGE turnoff to see nothing but negativity on a profile. I don’t know how many relationships begin with bonding over dislikes, but I’m guessing it’s a small number

Dealbroken wants a socially progressive partner that doesn’t want to marry, have any children ever, and doesn’t want pets? That dude is going to die alone.

Water left standing in a vacuum does not go bad

Water does NOT get bad tasting when left out it gets BETTER! Room temperature water is the best kind of water.